Welcome !

Hi guys !

Welcome to a website designed to give you both an overview and an in-depth knowledge of the Mage P.V.E. on World of Warcraft 3.3.5.

Whether you are a brand new mage or a more experienced one, I think these pages can help you to improve your gameplay.

The website works intuitively, you just have to click on titles on the sidebar to reach guides for the different mage specializations.

If you want to see what you can do with a mage properly played take a look at this LoD video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfHahJwkQek

To conclude this introduction, if you have some time do not hesitate to fill out the following survey, after your journey on the website of course !

I am looking for people who want to help me to improve the website design, and people who have a perfect knowleadge and experience on all gear tiers, BIS List and raids from Naxx to ToC. If you think you have enough knowleadge on the related fields and you want to contribute, you can contact me on tinyballwow@gmail.com