6- Macros

Note : I don't recommend using all your CD in one macro, they are all different: (1) Different stats up: -haste for Berserking, Speed potion and Engineer's Gloves. - Spell Power for Wild Magic potion Flame Cap. - Damages Done for MI and Combustion // (2) Different CD: 1 minute for Potions and Engineer's Gloves - 2minute for Combustion - 3 minutes for MI, Flame Cap and Berserking. So binding them on one macro will not optimize your dps, especially if you have some progressive procs such as the DFO trinket. My tips: bind them on keys which are side by side this way you will only have to glide you finger on them to activate. (e.g.: y u i o p ^)

There are the macros I personally use:

Must Have Macros:

#showtooltip Arcane Blast

/cast [nochanneling : Arcane Missiles] Arcane Blast(Rank 4)

#showtooltip Arcane Barrage

/cast [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] Arcane Barrage(Rank 1)

#showtooltip Mirror Images

/cast [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] Mirror Images

/in 25 /w Gorchak Take care my Mirror Image will fade in 5 sec *I warn Tank 1 that my threat will be huge soon

/in 25 /w Seaya Take care my Mirror Image will fade in 5 sec *I warn Tank 2 that my threat will be huge soon

/in 25 /w Jeego Take care my Mirror Image will fade in 5 sec *I warn a Ret Paly that my threat will be huge soon

#showtooltip Icy Veins

/cast [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] Icy Veins

#showtooltip Arcane Power

/cast [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] Arcane Power

#showtooltip Presence of Mind

/cast [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] Presence of Mind

#showtooltip Arcane Missiles

/cast [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] Arcane Missiles(Rank 13)


/use [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] 8 *This is my Gloves Slot for my Engineer enchantment.

Macro to debug recount:

/run local f=CreateFrame("frame",nil,UIParent);f:SetScript("OnUpdate",CombatLogClearEntries);

Macro to Focus Magic one person more efficiently during a fight (e.g. in RS), I always have 2 of them prepared before a fight to prevent the death of the target:

/cast [@Kosmos] Focus Magic

The mouseover alternative:

/cast [@mouseover] Focus Magic

Macros I use for selfbuffing or debuffing:

/cast [@Tinyball] Remove Curse

/cast [@Tinyball] Slow Fall

My mouseover macros :

/cast [@mouseover] Slow Fall

/cast [@mouseover] Ice Lance(Rank 3)

/cast [@mouseover] Arcane Barrage(Rank 3)

My targeting macros:

/focus [@mouseover]

/focus Shambling Horror

/target Bone Spike

/target Blood Beast

/target Raging Spirit

/target Wicked Spirit

My Chat Macros:

/party Hand of Salvation Of Tinyball please

/yell I'm not bitten !!

/say I have a lot of INSTABILITY stacks DO NOT COME CLOSER !

My macros on focus :

/cast [@focus] Counterspell

/cast [@focus] Polymorph(Rank 4)


/cast [@focus] Spellsteal

Other macros I use:

#showtooltip Invisibility

/cancelaura Invisibility

/cast Invisibility

/tar Wicked Spirit

/cast Ice Lance(Rank 3)

/tar Wicked Spirit

/cast Arcane Barrage(Rank 3)

*I use a french UI so there can be some grammar/vocabulary mistakes left.