
This is the provisional site for a bibliography of papers (and some books) pertaining to instructional labs in experimental physics. The original bibliography was compiled in 1993 and an update is in progress, with several topics updated to around 2006.

The purpose of this bibliography is to aid those constructing instructional labs, and equally importantly, to guide students doing independent projects.

Below is the classification with links to individual lists of articles. On other pages, the categories can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate topic in the sidebar.

Further work is intended to align the topic listings with the PIRA Physics Demonstration Classification system.

Randall Tagg

University of Colorado Denver

01. Classical mechanics

02. Gravity, celestial mechanics, astrodynamics & relativity

03. Vibrations, oscillations and waves

04. Nonlinear dynamics, chaos & fractals

05. Electricity & magnetism

05rf. Radio & microwaves

06. Fundamental quantum behavior

07. Elementary particles & nuclear physics

08. Atoms & molecules, spectroscopy & magnetic resonance

09. Optics

09po. Physical optics

09la. Lasers

10. Charged particle physics & instruments

11. Plasmas, gas discharges & conducting fluids

12. Thermodynamics & statistical physics

13. Nonequilibrium phenomena & transport

14. Liquids & liquid crystals - structure & physicochemical properties

15. Solids - structure, mechanical & thermal properties

16. Solids - electronic structure, electrical, magnetic & optical properties

17. Quantum fluids & superconductivity

18. Thin films & surfaces

19. Mesoscopic physics, clusters & nanostructures

19sp. Scanned probes

20. Chemical physics, polymer physics & combustion

21. Fluid dynamics & surface waves

22. Sound, ultrasound & acoustics

23. Astronomy, astrophysics, solar physics, space physics & cosmology

24. Geophysics, planetary physics & remote sensing

25. Atmospheric & ocean physics

26. Environmental & energy systems physics

27. Biophysics & medical physics

28. Physics in technology

29. Physics in sports

30. Miscellaneous physics experiments & demos