ΈΛΛΗΝΕΣ Φιλόσοφοι PODCASTS και YOUTUBE VIDEOS Μέρος 2 στην Ελληνική Γλώσσα





Αυτή η ιστοσελίδα δημιουργήθηκε από τον braintumorguy, στην Αθήνα, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ.

(1) (2) (3) (5)

(1) 15-08-2015 εγώ με τον Βασιληά Λεωνίδα της Σπάρτης, μπροστά στο Μουσείο της Ακρόπολης.

(2) 22-11-2015 μπροστά στην Ακρόπολη.

(3) 26-11-2015 στην πλατεία Συντάγματος, μπροστά στο κτίριο της Βουλής.- ανάμεσα στο Συντριβάνι και το Δένδρο των Χριστουγέννων.

(4) 01-05-2016 me and my Masters, the Great Ancient Greek Philosophers Plato, and Aristotle.

(5) 30-05-2016 Beautiful Greece & the Greek Islands from Space on a beautiful clear day.Thank you NASA.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με εμένα, παρακαλώ επισκεφθείτε την κύρια ιστοσελίδα μου




06-08-2016: η ιστοσελίδα είναι κάτω από την κατασκευή.







A L S O P L E A S E V I E W T H E C A L E N D A R F O R T H E N E X T Y E A R ! ! !

1. Greek Philosophers

2016 calendar - calendario - Kalender - calendrier - calendário

November 2015 - December 2015 - January 2016 - February 2016 - March 2016 - April 2016 - May 2016 - June 2016 - July 2016 - August 2016 - September 2016 - October 2016 - Novenber 2016 - December 2016

A N D ...






01 book

Title :

The Divine Planning of Evolutionary Course of the Mankind on the Earth and in the Stellar Space

Author : Georgios VOULASIKIS




04 book

Title A handbook to the palace of Minos at Knossos, with its dependencies;

Writer Pendlebury, John D.

published in 1933




03 book

Title The Obsidian trail or 5000-4000 years ago in the Cyclades

Writer Dr P. Getz-Gentle (formerly Getz-Preziosi).

Published 1987 by Nicholas P. Goulandris Foundation, Museum of Cycladic and Ancient Greek Art in Athens, Greece.

Written in English.




06 book

Title Discources on Art

Writer Sir Joshua Reynolds.




A L S O P L E A S E V I E W T H E ...

4. The Greek History Timeline from 1400 BC to 337 BC in English

Greek History Timeline from 1400 BC to 337 BC in English




If you have benefited in anyway by my web page, if it has helped you with your school work, if you have gained an understanding of homelessness through it, if you just want to help a homeless web page writer who is struggling financially in my fight against my Brain Tumor which is Growing, please make a Small Donation.

As families gather for the holidays, as friends meet up at bars and clubs, or go on outings together, visit each other in their homes, entertain each other, talk to each other - the bonds of friendship strengthening, I'll try to keep myself busy Begging for Small Donations, to Overcome my Illnesses, and to Achieve the Impossible.

Please DONATE MONEY ! using the PayPal to the PAYPAL ACCOUNT

braintumor2014@gmail.com www.paypal.com/

Please SPREAD the WORD about me ( PUBLICITY ) to your friends in the social networks like FACEBOOK TWITTER that I am diagnosed with BRAIN TUMOR which is growing, and that I am POOR and HOMELESS, and i am struggling financially, in order to make me a small DONATION.

Thank you very much…
