
This QT-based tool can be used to create an xml file containing a list of rooms defined by its vertices.

If you open the application, you will see a window with some buttons. Press the Load map button and in the prompted window select the .pgm ROS map to be used from the corresponding directory. The map is assumed to have the same width and height. You will see how the map is shown in the display.

Start defining rooms by clicking with the left button of the mouse on top of the points that will be used as vertices of a room. You will see how they are shown as red points on the map. Vertices must be added either in clockwise or counter-clockwise order. If you do not like the vertices you specified, you can press the button Reset vertices to start over with that room. Once you are satisfied with the room, it can be saved by pressing the button Save room. A Dialogue box will appear and you must enter a name for the room you just created. You will see how the room is depicted as a blue polygon on the map, labelled with the given name. At any point of the process you can delete any already created room by clicking on the button Delete room and entering the name. Once you are done labelling rooms you must click on the button Save file and enter a suitable path and file name.

If you want to edit the code, you should take care to define the correct path in the QT project. You will also need to download the pugixml library.