Eric Schliesser: What CHATGPT Reveals about the Collapse of Political/Corporate Support for Humanities/Higher Education, Crooked Timber, 2023-01-05

China's Young Thousand Talents program found to be largely successful, PhysOrg, 2023-01-06

Australian universities to return to ‘pen and paper’ exams after students caught using AI to write essays, the Guardian, 2023-01-10

Geir Hasnes: Forelesning eller video? Ja takk, begge deler!, Universitetsavisa, 2023-01-10

Letizia Jaccheri: Slutt med karakterer – også på universitetet, Adressa, 2023-01-30

Daisy Christodoulou: If we are setting assessments that a robot can complete, what does that say about our assessments?, No more marking, 2023-02-05

Tuning Into Brainwave Rhythms Dramatically Accelerates Learning in Adults, SciTechDaily, 2023-02-05

Lawrence Davidson: Credentialism And The Fate Of Academia, To the Point Analysis, 2023-02-10

Lars Magne Lundheim: Eksamen: Ein kunstig sjanger for ein kunstig intelligens, Universitetsavisa, 2023-02-15

Lawrence Davidson: The Pitfalls of Market-Driven US Education, Consortium News, 2023-02-17

Jean M. Twenge: Academic Pressure Cannot Explain the Mental Illness Epidemic, After Babel, 2023-03-15

Peter Gray: Nothing Worth Learning Can Be Taught, Psychology Today, 2023-06-11

Why Student Debt Is So High, God's Spies by Thomas Neuburger, 2023-06-13

Samuel Arbesman: General Turtle, Inc. and Educational Machines, Cabinet of Wonders, 2023-06-13

Per-Odd Eggen: Vitnemål, et dokument uten mening, TrønderRød, 2023-06-15

Rekordmange strøk på eksamen, men ett studiested gjør det bedre enn noen gang, NRK, 2023-07-13

Rajiv Sethi: The Admissions Game, Imperfect Information, 2023-07-25

Administrative Bloat At U.S. Colleges Is Skyrocketing, Forbes, 2023-08-28

Mener ChatGPT-reglene er uklare: — Studentene blir satt i en umulig situasjon, Khrono, 2023-09-01

Lars Magne Lundheim: Fusk og fanteri, Khrono, 3023-09-18

Bruce Macfarlane: The DECAY of Merton’s scientific norms and the new academic ethos, Oxford Review of Education, 2023-09-13

Stephen Weissman: My academic education was not enough to navigate the real world, THE, 2023-09-24

Line Marie Warholm: Studenters psykiske helse: Hva er det som gjør at barna våre blir så lite robuste?, Adressa, 2023-09-26

The case against hiring people from Ivy League schools, BIG Think, 2023-09-27

Per Arne Bjørkum: Tilbyr vi ungdommen den rette utdannelsen?, Universitetsavisa, 2023-10-03

Elin Mordal:  Ensom i en full forelesningssal, Panorama, 2023-10-13

Halvor Hoveid og Stine H. Bang Svendsen: Nåde den som gjenbruker sine kunnskaper?, Universitetsavisa, 2023-11-06

Simon Malkenes: Syndebukksatsinger i lærerutdanningen?, Universitetsavisa, 2023-11-17

Ole Andreas Alsos: Studiepoeng­fabrikken, Khrono, 2023-11-25

Alle vet at studentene klager, men ingen vet hvorfor de klager, Khrono, 2023-12-20

Simon Malkenes: Å vera barn og byggje lauvhytter i skogen, Universitetsavisa, 2023-12-22