We can work it out: exam ‘failures’ beat graduates at top firm, the Sunday Times, 2017-03-05

Forelesningene må bli noe annet enn de er i dag , Forskerforum, 2017-03-21

Norsk Utdanningstradsjon, Webjørn Rekdalsbakken i universitetsavisa 2017-03-28

Bekymret over presset i skolen, Marit Uthus i Adresseavisen, 2017-03-30

Learning to Think Like a Computer, New York Times, 2017-04-04

Papert’s Prison Fab Lab: Implications for the maker movement and education design (2013), Medium, 2017-04-06

Teachers Going Gradeless , Arthur Chiaravalli, Medium, 2017-04-08

An 8-minute exercise helps some online learners overcome obstacles, according to Stanford scholars, Stanford News, 2017-04-17

Want to be happy? Be curious, Harvard gazette, 2017-04-14

Wakefulness and Digitally Engaged Publics, Digital Pedagogy Lab, 2017-04-12

The challenges facing higher ed, Harvard Gazette, 2017-04-26

Faculty Senate discusses undergraduate and graduate education, president’s trip to Washington, D.C., and university’s commitment to academic freedom, Stanford News, 2017-04-27

MIT Deems MicroMasters a Success, Inside Higher Ed, 2017-06-26

Five Things I Wish I knew When I started Teaching, Chronotope, 2017-05-06

Mener skoleeksamen gir bortkastet læring, Universitetsavisa, 2017-06-15

Studentforeleser ga bedre resultater, Khrono, 2017-07-02

Schools: informal education, social pedagogy and lifelong learning, Infed, july 2017

Hva har mest å si for studentenes læring?, Stine Beate Dahle og Natalia Vassilieva Wulfsberg Johnsen, Forskerforum, 2017-03-14

In FutureLearn's MOOCs, Conversation Powers Learning at Massive Scale, IEEE Spectrum, 2017-07-10

Charting New Paths to the Future, IFTF, 2017-06-21

What I learned from a visit to the best school in the world, Transformative LEARNING, 2017-07-26

Learning by Thinking, A Conversation With Tania Lombrozo, Edge, 2017-07-28

The myths of the digital native and the multitasker, Science Direct, October 2017

Why handwriting matters, Strait Times, 2017-08-07

10 Surprises in the High-Performing Estonian Education System, International Education News, 2017-08-02

New Learning Portal = More Screen Time?, Strait Times, 2017-08-19

Dagens skolepolitikere fortjener et læreropprør, Bjørn Alterhaug i Dagbladet, 2017-08-30

The college lecture is dying. Good riddance, Quanta Magazine, 2017-09-06

Thirty years from now the big university campuses will be relics. Universities won't survive, QuoteInvestigator, 2017-09-17

Improving the Quality of Education, InsideHigherEd, 2017-09-21

Lifelong learning requires an evolving university, World University News, 2017-09-22

Putting projects at the forefront, MIT News, 2017-10-05

The Testing Emperor Finally Has No Clothes, Modern Learners, 2017-10-01

Lifelong Kindergarten: how to learn like a kid - by the co-creator of Scratch, Boingboing, 2017-10-04

The enduring power of print for learning in a digital world, Conversation, 2017-10-04

How do you prepare students for an unknown future?, World University News, 2017-10-14

The return of the MOOC - Established education providers v new contenders, The Economist, 2017-01-12

Beware the “Fake Cs” – 21st Century Skills Requires More Than Just Technology, Beth R. Holland, 2017-06-21

Radical curriculum propels new engineering university, University business, 2017-10-27

Paper or screen for comprehension and learning, 3-star Learning experiences, 2017-11-21

How to Champion the Four C's in the Classroom, Edsurge, 2017-11-19

Education: There Must Be a Better Direction, Maelstroem, 2017-12-03

Hva trenger vi universitetene til?, Arild Raaheim, Khrono, 2017-12-21

Forelesningene må bli noe annet enn de er i dag, Christine Adriane Svendsrud i Forskerforum, 2017-03-21

What Are the Proper Purposes of a System of Schooling?, Peter Gray, Psychology Today, 2017-04-23