Education Doesn't Work 2.0, Freddie deBoer, 2022-07-11

Jeanette Varpen Unhjem: Veien ut av digital depresjon, Panorama, 2022-01-07

Helge Høivik: Kommersielt trykk truer akademisk frihet, Forskerforum, 2022-02-21

Kommersielle digitale plattformer har kome inn i høgare utdanning. Kor mykje makt bør teknogigantane få?, Forskerforum, 2022-02-21

How many words does it take to make a mistake?, London Review of Books, 2022-02-24

Om utdanningskvalitet ved NTNU

Education after COVID, Special Issue, Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 2022-03-08

Stig Berge Matthiesen: Om å strømme seg til armod, Khrono, 2022-04-10

Finland’s big new export to India: Education, Al Jazeera, 2022-05-04

Re-imagining the African University, the Elephant, 2022-05-06

Will a Common Undergrad Entrance Test Fix the Problems of India's Education System?, the Wire, 2022-05-11

How will universities utilise the metaverse in the future?, Digital Journal, 2022-05-12

Why Won’t Academia Let Go of ‘Publish or Perish’?, Undark, 2022-06-16

Lars Petter Storm Torjussen: Er vi alle universitets­pedagoger nå?, Khrono, 2022-06-21

PK Rekdal inviterer hele Norge til forkurs i matte, Panorama, 2022-08-04

Schrödingers notesbøger er fyldt med fejl og forkerte ideer. Derfor burde flere læse dem, Uniavisen, 2022-08-15

Sam Pizzigati: Should We Let Scam-Artists ‘Educate’ Our Young People?, Inequality. 2022-08-19

Why Commonsense Knowledge is not (and can not be) Learned, Walid Saba - Medium, 2022-08-29

The College Classroom Through a Photographer’s Lens, Caltech Magazine, 2022-fall

‘Where Knowledge Is Free’: On Teachers’ Day, Reading Tagore’s Poem Through Illustrations, the Wire, 2022-09-05

Fordummingssystemet, Steigan, 2022-09-14

Sterk misnøye med de pedagogiske kursene, Khrono, 2022-09-20

Er det på tide å tenke nytt om universitetspedagogiske kurs?, Khrono, 2022-09-20

Jan Olaf Olaussen: Slå et slag for den tradisjonelle forelesningen, Universitetsavisa, 2022-09-23

Mneesha Gellman: How college in prison is leading professors to rethink how they teach, the Conversation, 2022-10-19

Philippines: Student 'anti-cheating' exam hats go viral, BBC News, 2022-10-23

The Impact of Smartphone Use on Course Comprehension and Psychological Well-Being in the College Classroom, Innovative Higher Education, 2022-11-18

 Jeanette Varpen Unhjem: Eksamenssensur: Skjønn og sjansespill, Panorama, 2022-10-26

Learning at your brain’s rhythm: individualized entrainment boosts learning for perceptual decisions, Cerebral Cortex, 2022-11-09

Peter Gray: Standardized Testing and the Destruction of Education, Psychology Today, 2022-11-17

Harald Liebich: Er forelesningen et ritual eller en læringsarena?, Khrono, 2022-11-26

“Online testing is a joke”: How Chinese students cheat on U.S. college entry exams, Rest of World, 2022-12-12

Hilde De Weerdt: The Chinese Civil Examinations, Inference, 2022-12