
A Nobel Laureate's Education Plea: Revolutionize Teaching  

Philosophical Inquiry in Education - the Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 

Science - Special issue: Education  

Carl Wieman on Active Learning: Is It Really Better than Traditional Lecturing? 

Ernst von Glasersfeld: Learning as Constructive Activity, 1983

Paul Cobb and Leslie P. Steffe: The Constructivist Researcher as Teacher and Model Builder, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1983-03 (JSTOR

John Marsh: The Reinvention of Education, Quality Digest, Special Report: Quality in education on the Move, September, 1995

Mailyn Strathern: 'Improving ratings': audit in the British University system, European Review,1997-07

Move Over, Bill Nye: George Cobb Makes Learning about Statistics Practical and Fun, Mount Hollyoke, 1999-04-24

Seymour Papert: Child Power: Keys to the New Learning of the Digital Century, The 11th Colin Cherry Memorial Lecture on Communication, Imperial College, London, 1998-06-02

Quality Management in Education: Building Excellence and Equity in Student Performance, Quality Management Journal, Vol. 9, No. 4, American Society for Quality, 2002

Carl Wieman: Why Not Try A Scientific Approach To Science Education?, Science 2.0, 2009-03-10

Erica Goldson: Coxsackie-Athens High School Valedictory Speech 2010, 2010-07-07

Jaron Lanier: Does the Digital Classroom Enfeeble the Mind?, New York Times Magazine, 2010-09-16

Edgar Morin: Seven Complex Lessons in Education, YouTube, 2011-11-14

Siri Færden: Bare 10 prosent får med seg stoffet under forelesninger, Aftenposten, 2012-01-29

The Crisis in Higher Education, MIT Technology Review, 2012-09-27

Y. Li, X. Li and J. Li, "Exploring the underlying mechanism of PDCA cycle to improve teaching quality: A motivation theory perspective," Proceedings of PICMET '14 Conference: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology; Infrastructure and Service Integration, Kanazawa, 2014, pp. 2693-2698.

The Myth of Average: Todd Rose at TEDxSonomaCounty, YouTube, 2013-06-19

WISE 2013 Special Address: Dr. Edgar Morin, YouTube, 2014-07-08

Gutenberg’s effects on universities, History of Education, 2014-07-22

The End of Average: Todd Rose's '8 for 8', YouTube, 2014-10-09

On the Use and Misuse of Lectures in Higher Education, Health Professions Education, 2015-12-23

F. Zhao, "PDCA Circulation in University Education Applied Research", 2009 First International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, Nanjing, 2009, pp. 3375-3378.

Stanford University d.school: A Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking

Ivan Illich: Deschooling Society

John Dewey: My Pedagogic Creed  

UNIKE: The Auckland Declaration

Peergrade.io - Better feedback for your students

Henry Ford and the Actual Value of Education

Do you teach individuals or 'average' students?

In praise of Dewey

Learning Theories Website

We Learn Best by Being Taught: MYTH

Seymour Papert: Technology in Schools

Todd Oppenheimer: The computer Delusion, the Atlantic,  July 1997

Andrew Ravenscroft: From conditioning to learning communities: Implications of fifty years of research in e‐learning interaction design, Association for Learning Technology Journal, 2003-

Academically Adrift, Inside Higher Ed, 2011-01-18

Lack of Rigor Leaves Students 'Adrift' in College, NPR, 2011-02-09

Rhiezomatic Learning - Why we teach?, Dave's Educational Blog, 2011-11-05

Factoids tagged with Learning

The Campus Tsunami, New York Times, 2012-05-03

Neuromyths in education: Prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers, Frontiers in Psychology, 2012-10-18

Focusing on Equity and Excellence: The Finnish Experience, ASCD Inservice, 2013-05-03

A Curricular Vision from 2025, Chris Riesbeck, 2014-??-??

Lectures aren't just boring, they're Ineffective, too, study finds, Science, 2014-05-12

Education vs Learning, Bibblio - Medium, 2014-07-24

Neuroscience and education: myths and messages, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2014-10-24

How and why convicted Atlanta teachers cheated on standardized tests, Washington Post, 2015-04-01

Teaching in hunter–gatherer infancy

Vi må snu utdanningsmodellen - Under Dusken 26. januar 2016

Why Do Colleges Still Use Grades?

Goals of science vs Goals of scientists (& a love letter to PLOS One)

Harvard University: Mind, Brain and Education


Personalized Learning Through the Eyes of a Child

Dismantling neoliberal education: a lesson from the Zapatistas

Peer-feedback kan være den nye vejledningsform for studerende 

Online Videos: What Every Instructor Should Know, ASEE PEER, 2016-06-25

De utopiske universitet, Uniavisen, 2016-08-26


Join the Evolution of Learning

Nyt undervisningskoncept styrker uddannelse og forskning - DTU   

This is What a Student-designed School Looks Like

Stanford faculty launces a new humanities core

Hva slags utdanning og kunnskap trengs for å skape en bedre verden?

Fra forelesning til blogg - Noen erfaringer

"Vi trenger å lære hvordan sosiologi fungerer i praksis"

The knowledge economy is a myth. We don't need more universities to push it

self-organizing is the future

Can heutagogy save education?

User Generated Education

Heutagogy and Lifelong Learning: A Review of Heutagogical Practice and Self-Determined Learning

Heutagogy: It Isn’t Your Mother’s Pedagogy Any More

Never Forget an Idea Again with The Feynman Technique

Læser du for at losse 12-taller i hus eller for at lære noget?

Foreslår å forby forelesninger

Til forsvar for forelesningen

Project-Based Learning Review

Seymour Papert, 88, Dies; Saw Education’s Future in Computers

Det utopiske universitet  

Rolig og sprikende samtale om fremtiden for høyere utdanning  

Education for the Future – Curriculum Redesign

Make alle your learning instantly available on-demand  

Why we Love How-to Videos  

When Students Teach Students, the Benefits Compound  

The Difference Between Doing Projects Versus Learning Through Projects  

Gjør forelesningen om til en diger smelteovn  

What Do We Really Mean When We Say ‘Personalized Learning’?

Ed tech that needs nothing but a TV and VCR?

Om krittnisser og innovative læringsprosesser

Academic double standards: freedom for lecturers, compliance for students

Death of the university greatly exaggerated, says Michael Crow

The examined life

3 ‘Knowns’ in Learning Science—and How to Apply Them in Practice

The Emotional Weight of Being Graded, for Better or Worse

Building a Future for Engineering 

President Marc Tessier-Lavigne elaborates on key Stanford issues, invites input

‘There’s No Such Thing as Average’: Todd Rose on Brain Science and the Limitations of Standards 

Is it Time to Stop Running Our Schools Like Factories?

5 skills students need to be contributing global citizens  

Student-Centered Pedagogy: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Key Texts

Is Your lesson a Grecian Urn?

Unlearning Everything I Was Taught About Teaching

Grade Less and Assess More: The Value of Ongoing Feedback

Spoc: boldly go where no course has gone before 

4 Principles Of Student-Centered Learning   

Pedagogy of Attention: Subverting the Strong Language of Intention in Social Justice Education  

Assessment or Surveillance? Panopticism and Higher Education

Innovating Pedagogy 2016

Prepare students 'to fail' so they can learn, report suggests

Being a 'Whole Educator'

How To Ensure Students Are Actively Engaged and Not Just Compliant

What is pedagogy?

Why We Should Stop Grade Students on a Curve

The power of digital portfolios

Dr. Papert Goes to Washington

Language and Numbers are the Basis of Our World

What is a Moonshot Classroom?

Fout Ways School Leaders Can Support Meaningful Innovation 

Grade Less and Assess More: The Value of Ongoing Feedback 

SITJAR Special Edition: Heutagogy or Self-Determined Learning

Heutagogy and Lifelong Learning: A Review of Heutagogical Practice and Self-Determined Learning

Education vs Learning - It's time to set learning free 

Maker Education: Pedagogy, Andragogy, Heutagogy 

Can Children Teach Themselves?  

Make a Difference: Show Students You Care 

Google: GPAs are worthless 

LEGO Foundation endows Media Lab fellowships in honor of Seymour Papert   

Test Scores vs. Entrepreneurship: PISA, TIMSS, and Confidence  

Brandon Busteed Speech on Educonomy  (C-SPAN video)

Active Learning Leads to Higher Grades and Fewer Failing Students in Science, Math and Engineering  .

How the Pioneers of MOOC got it wrong  .

Addressing "The War on Learning"  .

Every Child Is A Rudolph | Yong Zhao | TEDxAmsterdamED (Video)

Evolving Education (YouTube)

What I wish I could tell my boss: 'Students come before meetings'

In the age of robots, our schools are teaching children to be redundant   

Noam Chomsky on education, Assessment and Tests (Vimeo video)

Sir Ken Robinson - The Education Economy  (Vimeo video)

This Will Revolutionize Education (YouTube video)

The Future of Learning  

Studies in systems  

Re-engineering higher education: the subsumption of academic labour and the exploitation of anxiety   .

Should We Lose the Lecture? An atomic physicist makes the case for active learning.

Reducing cognitive load: keep it simple  

The Inside-Out School: A 21st Century Learning Model, TeachThought, 2012-11-20

Rhizomatic Learning Is A Metaphor For How We Learn, TeachThought, 2013-??

When Memorization Gets in the Way of Learning, the Atlantic, 2013-09-09

Evluate your Teaching: Measure What Really Matters  

Creating a school fit for today and flexible for tomorrow  

Carl Wieman on Active Learning: Is It Really Better than Traditional Lecturing?  

Promoting Active Learning  

Is UC spending too little on teaching, too much on administration?, Los Angeles Times, 2015-10-17

Hannah Arendt “The Crisis in Education”, the Digital Counter-Revolution, 2016-02-05

From Written to Digital: The New Literacy, Educause Review, 2016-03-07

Knowledge Abundance and Digital Pedagogy, the Digital Counter-Revolution, 2016-05-17

Students as evaluators in inquiry-based classrooms, SmartBrief, 2016-07-06

The aims of education according to Alfred North Whitehead, Minireference Blog, 2016-07-06

Lærer mer uten forelesninger, Njål Foldnes, BI Business Review, 2016-08-16