Ein dag landa lakse-milliardærens helikopter i hagen. Den neste utdannings-revolusjonen var i gang, Khrono, 2021-01-26

Er eksamen læring eller vurdering?, Khrono, 2021-02-15

Per-Odd Eggen: Her er ti kjennetegn på en dysfunksjonell eksamen, Universitetsavisa, 2021-03-08

America Needs a New Workforce Education System, Issues in Science and Technology, 2021-03-09

Emory medical students visually explain Cochrane evidence, Cochrane Evidence, 2021-04-01

COVID-19 Infographics, Emory University School of Medicine, 2021

Rune Slagstad: Populistisk elitisme: professorar overalt, Dag og TId, 2021-04-23

Public Schools: Designed to Fail, UncoverDC, 2021-05-04

Noen usensurerte betraktninger om sensur, Universitetsavisa, 2021-05-15

‘Those That Stay the Same During a Transition End Up Losing’, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2021-05-20

Are we ready for a leap forward in education?, Yidan Prize, 2021-06

Virtual Learning Helped Push Caltech Physics Labs into the Future, Caltech News, 2021-06-10

Seymour Papert’s Valedictory Speech upon Being Named Lego Professor of Learning Research at The Mit Media Lab, Daily Papert, 2021-07-11

Affective Learning — a manifesto, Daily Papert, 2021-07-21

Trenger man over seks i snitt for å bli lege? Overhodet ikke!, aftenposten, 2021-07-29

Carl Wieman: This is how we can teach young people to use science and data to make better decisions, WEF, 2021-08-20

The Life, Legacy, and Powerful Ideas of Seymour Papert (video), Gary Stager, 2021-09-17

På tide å sette søkelys på gode læringsaktiviteter, Universitetsavisa, 2021-10-04

Lektor: 3 Grunde til, at det er en dårlig idé at optage undervisningen, Uniavisen, 2021-10-07

One way is the wrong way to do math. Here’s the right way., Harvard Gazette, 2021-10-08

Fra «drop out» til suksess, Khrono, 2021-10-10

Vi må ikke undervurdere hvor mye studentene lærer av aktiv læring, Khrono, 2021-10-27

We Can't Wait for Universities to Fix Themselves. So We're Starting a New One, Common Sense with Bari Weiss, 2021-11-08

Adrian Heyerdahl: Er måten NTNU vurderer kvalitet på virkelig optimal?, Universitetsavisa, 2021-12-03

Ancient Daoist Wisdom and Its Associated Principle of Yin-Yang for Contemporary Classrooms as Foundations for a Harmonious World, Philosophical Inquieries in Education, 2021-11-08