Trends Shaping Education 2019 - OECD says countries should use global mega-trends to prepare the future of education, OECD, 2019-01-21

Ipad-eksperimentet, Anne-Britt Gran, BI-Business Review, 2019-02-05

What is the purpose of education?, Graham Brown-Martin, Medium, 2019-02-04

Education and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Graham Brown-Martin, Medium, 2019-02-14

Å gi studenter reell innflytelse over utdanningen sin har en egenverdi, Khrono, 2019-02-17

Rethinking the College Education Racket, Takis Magazine, 2019-02-15

The Psychology of Learning, KPMG, 2019-10

The social solution to automation, Asia Times, 2019-03-03

Unlocking the Science of Motivation, Harvard Graduate School of education, 2019-03-07

What is the purpose of education?, Graham Brown-Martin - Medium, 2019-02-05

Charlene Tan: Beyond the Competencies Agenda in Large-Scale International Assessments: A Confucian Alternative, Philosophical Inquiry in Education, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

Meet the school with no classes, no classrooms and no curriculum, Medium - pi-top, 2019-05-03

Andy Matuschak, “Why books don’t work”, San Francisco, 2019-05-11

Chen Yidan: Zero to infinity: How education unlocks endless possibilities, Yidan Prize, 2019-06-01

UiB-dekan vil vurdere å kutte ut karakterar på universitetet, På Høyden, 2019-06-11

Ta fellesskapets skole tilbake!, Øyvind Andresen, Steigan.no, 2019-06-22

Professors need to be entertaining to prevent students from watching YouTube in class, University of Waterloo, 2019-06-26

Teaching and Learning Without a Textbook: Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Open Educational Resources, IRRODL, Vol. 20, No. 3, July, 2019

Innfører omvendt undervisning og møteplikt for mattestudenter, Panorama, 2019-08-07

Å gi studenter studieplass i 20 år framover kan være en god ide, Khrono, 2019-08-14

‘The Missing Course’, Inside Higher Ed, 2019-08-21

Pasi Sahlberg and Peter Johnson: What is really going on in Finland’s school reform?, Pasi Sahlberg Blog, 2019-08-30

Lessons in Learning, Harvard Gazette, 2019-09-04

Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019-09-04

Speaking Out Against Student Evals, Inside Higher Ed, 2019-09-10

‘College Made Whole’, Inside Higher Ed, 2019-09-26

Carl Wieman: Expertise in University Teaching & the Implications for Teaching Effectiveness, Evaluation & Training, Daedalus, 2019-10-01 (PDF)

Engineering meets philosophy, TU Munchen, 2019-10-28

Learning is Optimized When We Fail 15% of the Time, UANews, 2019-11-05

Why universities need to embrace their wild side, THE, 2019-11-07

Pasi Sahlberg: A three-point plan for sleepless, screen-obsessed kids: play, play and more play, Sydney Morning Herald, 2019-11-07

Future-proofing undergraduates begins with an interdisciplinary skillset, THE, 2019-11-09


Sanna Sarromma: Den norske skolens forfall, VG, 2019-11-16