Tradisjonell eksamen er ein uhaldbar, uetisk og uforsvarleg praksis, Forskerforum, 2020-01-29

From Instruction to Construction: Age of Awareness - Medium

Plato & Aristotle, 2020-01-30

Ny vår for undervisning, Forskerforum, 2020-02-06

What Does “Platonic” Teaching Teach?,  2020-02-09

The Learning Retention Pyramid: A Simple Guide, Develop Good Habits, 2020-04-01

How Technology is Shaping the Future of Education, Visual Capitalist, 2020-02-17

From YouTube to your school, Harvard Gazette, 2020-02-28

What Teachers in China Have Learned in the Past Month, edutopia, 2020-03-16

Coronavirus sends class home — Estonia's ready, Germany lags, DW, 2020-03-19

Can computers ever replace the classroom?, the Guardian, 2020-03-19

Hvor skal dannelsen komme fra når allmenndannelsen er et luftslott?, Sivilisasjonen, 2020-03-20

Professor: Trenger vi egentlig eksamen?, Drammens Tidende, 2020-03-26

F.H. Buckley: What you miss when teaching online, New York Post, 2020-04-07

Education is over…, Medium - Age of Awareness- William Rankin, 2020-04-14

So, You Want to Build a New School?, Independent Thinking, 2020-04-18

Indoctrination, Aliana-Medium, 2020-05-15

If we can do without GCSEs and university exams now, why go back?, the Guardian, 2020-05-21

University as a Service (UaaS), Medium, 2020-05-22

Remember the MOOCs? After Near-Death, They’re Booming, New York Times, 2020-05-27

Skuffende og naivt av Asheim om forelesninger, Arve Hjelseth i Universitetsavisa, 2020-05-28

A Novel Viewpoint on Andragogy: Enabling Moments of Community, Adult education Quarterly, 2020-05-29

Controlled Opposition, Aliana-Medium, 2020-06-04

Eksamenslære for dummies, Tidsskriftet, 2020-06-11

The outlook for Harvard online learning, Harvard Gazette, 2020-06-12

Education, unchained, Aeon, 2020-06-19

Silvio Bär: En trist seier for antiintellektualismen, Minerva, 2020-06-30

Why good teachers allow a child’s mind to wander and wonder, Aeon Psyche, 2020-07-01

When a bird brain tops Harvard students on a test, Harvard Gazette, 2020-07-02

Our school systems are broken. Let's grab this chance to remake them, the Guardian, 2020-07-05

Det er ikke nok med mer smøremiddel når hele motoren trenger en overhaling, Khrono, 2020-07-06

Arve Hjelseth og Eli Smeplass: Tonedøvt av Nokut-direktøren, Khrono, 2020-07-08

Jeg er urolig for utviklinga i skolen, Universitetsavisa, 2020-07-09

European engineering education of the future, TU Munchen, 2020-07-09

Another disappointment for MOOCs, Harvard Gazette, 2020-07-10

Roger Schank: Online teaching not working?, Education Outrage, 2020-07-20

How to prepare students for jobs in the 21st century, OUPBlog, 2020-08-09

Online college? Good idea; but is it the beginning of the end?, Roger Schank, 2020-??-??

Bringing MIT magic to first-years everywhere, MIT News, 2020-08-28

Yidan Prize Laureates 2020 | Professor Carl Wieman, Ms Lucy Lake and Ms Angeline Murimirwa were awarded for their contribution to STEM and women’s education, Yidan Prize, 2020-09-23

Don't worry about being replaced by robots and focus on human strengths: Lawrence Wong, the Straits Times, 2020-09-25

Digital skills alone not enough for future, says EDB MD, Straits Times, 2020-10-01

Den akademiske institusjon er død – leve akademia!, Kjetil kåre Haugen i Panorama, 2020-10-02

Studentene går inn for å jukse – varsler om hemmelige eksamensgrupper, NRK P3, 2020-11-24

Carl Wieman: “Education is about learning to make better decisions”, Nobel Prize, 2020-11

The Challenge of Learning: The Future of Education, Nobel Prize, 2020-12-09

Per-Odd Eggen: Om juks og bedrag ved NTNU, Universitetsavisa, 2020-12-04

On the Demise of Universities, nakedcapitalism, 2020-12-11