MS41 Quickflash

Purchase ($25) - MS41 Quickflash by Bimmer Tuning Tools

Current Version v2.5 updated 4/2/2022

-Performs partial flashes in under ~10 seconds

-Full flashes (program and tune section) in ~1 minute.

-Partial reads in under 5 seconds and full reads in ~30 seconds

-All checksums including program section are automatically corrected

-Software patching is automatically performed when converting to different software versions

-Allows for Diagnostic Trouble Codes to be read and cleared

-Allows for adaptations to be read and reset

-Live data viewing and logging both telegram and traditional

-EWS Delete Option

Purchase MS41 Quickflash (PayPal or Credit Card accepted)

Requirements: Windows with .NET Framework 4.0 or higher. K DCAN or Vag-COM FT232RL cable

*** Ensure battery voltage does not drop below 12V during the flashing process (up to 5 mins for full) ***

Note: Euro ms41.0 versions 1744598, 1427703, 1427704, 1744897, and 1429999 are NOT flashable.

Enable Write Access

ECU Cable

Logger.S Device