



Ohba S, Kitano S (2023) Paternal care behavior increases in the presence of conspecific females in the giant water bug, Kirkaldyia deyrolli (Belostomatidae: Heteroptera). Journal of Insect Behavior https://doi.org/10.1007/s10905-023-09826-7.

Ohba S, Matsuo S, Trang Huynh TT, Kudo S (2018) Female mate preference for egg-caring males in the giant water bug Diplonychus rusticus (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae). Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 30: 477-484.

Ribeiro JRI, Ohba S, Plout-Sigwalt D, Stefanello F, Bu W, Meyin-a-ebong E, Guilbert E (2018) Phylogenetic analysis and revision of subfamily classification of Belostomatidae genera (Insecta: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 182: 319-359.

Ohba S, Maeda A (2017) Paternal care behaviour of the giant water bug Kirkaldyia deyrolli (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) against ants. Ecological Entomology 42: 402-410.

Ohba S, Okuda N, Kudo S (2016) Sexual selection of male parental care in giant water bugs. Royal Society Open Science 3: 150720.

Ohba S, Hidaka K, Sasaki M (2006) Notes on paternal care and sibling cannibalism in the giant water bug Lethocerus deyrolli (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae). Entomological Science 9: 1-5.

大庭伸也 (2002) タガメの卵塊における一斉孵化メカニズムとその意義.昆蟲ニューシリーズ 5: 157-164.




Ohba S, Ogushi S, Goto N, Watanabe R (2023) The overwintering ecology of Cybister tripunctatus lateralis: Do sub-zero temperatures during winter suppress range expansion? Japanese Journal of Environmental Entomology and Zoology 34(9): 101-107.

Ohba S, Terazono Y, Takada S (2022) Interspecific competition amongst three species of large bodied diving beetles: is the species with expanded distribution an active swimmer and a better forager? Hydrobiologia 849: 1149–1160 .

Ohba S, Fukui M, Terazono Y, Takada S (2020) Effects of temperature on life histories of three endangered Japanese diving beetle species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 168: 808-816.




Ohba S, Suzuki K, Sakai Y, Shibata J, Okuda N (2019) Effects of irrigation system alterations on the trophic position of a threatened top predator in rice-field ecosystems. Freshwater Biology 64: 1737-1746. 

Ohba S (2009) Ontogenetic dietary shift in larvae of Cybister japonicus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) in Japanese rice fields. Environmental Entomology 38: 856-860.

Ohba S, Swart C (2009) Intraguild predation of water scorpion Laccotrephes japonensis (Nepidae: Heteroptera). Ecological Research 24: 1207-1211. 

Ohba S, Miyasaka H, Nakasuji F (2008) The role of amphibian prey in the diet and growth of giant water bug nymphs in Japanese rice fields. Population Ecology 50: 9-16.

Ohba S (2007) Notes on the predators and their effect on the survivorship of the endangered giant water bug, Kirkaldyia (= Lethocerus) deyrolli (Heteroptera, Belostomatidae), in Japanese rice fields. Hydrobiologia 583: 377-381.

Ohba, S. and F. Nakasuji (2006) Dietary items of predacious aquatic bugs (Nepoidea: Heteroptera) in Japanese wetlands. Limnology 7: 41-43.




Hayashi M, Ohba S (2018) Mouth morphology of diving beetle Hyphydrus japonicus (Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae) is specialized for predation on seed shrimps. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125: 315-320.

Ohba S, Tatsuta H (2016) Young giant water bug nymphs prefer larger prey: changes in foraging behavior with nymphal growth in Kirkaldyia deyrolli. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117: 601-606.

Ohba S (2009) Foraging behavior and raptorial character in giant water bug. In: Handbook of Aggressive Behavior Research (Caitriona Quin and Scott Tawse eds.), pp. 515-528, Nova Science Publishers, NY. 

Ohba S, Tatsuta H, Nakasuji F (2008) Variation in the geometry of foreleg claws in sympatric giant water bug species: an adaptive trait for catching prey? Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 129: 223-227.

Ohba S, Tatsuta H, Sasaki M (2006) Raptorial legs and claws are not influenced by food condition in nymphal stages of Lethocerus deyrolli. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99: 151-156.


ボウフラ(蚊の幼虫)の天敵を調べることは環境を配慮したmosquito controlを実践する上で重要です.たとえば,水田には水稲害虫に対する農薬散布が行われますが,それによって水田繁殖性のコガタアカイエカ(日本脳炎媒介蚊)の幼虫が殺虫剤抵抗性(農薬に対して強くなる)を獲得し,さらに農薬によって蚊の幼虫を捕食する天敵も死滅してしまうので,蚊の幼虫が増加するという報告があります.水田から発生する蚊をある程度抑制するためには,天敵の役割を評価し,それらの密度を下げないように工夫する必要があります.ゲンゴロウ類は種数が比較的豊富で,水田中の上位捕食者となります.実験で確かめてみると,彼らの捕食能力は想像以上に高いことが分かりました.


Ohba S, Takagi M (2010) Predatory ability of adult diving beetle on Japanese encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 26: 32-36.

Ohba S, Trang Huynh TT, Kawada H, Loan Luu L, Tran Ngoc H, Le Hoang S, Higa Y, Takagi M. (2011) Heteropteran insects as mosquito predators in water jars in southern Vietnam. Journal of Vector Ecology 36: 170-174. 

Ohba S, Kawada H, Dida OG, Juma D, Sonye G, Minakawa N, Takagi M. (2010) Predators of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae in wetlands, western Kenya: Confirmation by polymerase chain reaction method. Journal of Medical Entomology 47: 783-787.




Ohba S, Van Soai N, Van Anh DT, Nguyen YT, Takagi M (2015) Study of mosquito fauna in rice ecosystems around Hanoi, northern Vietnam. Acta Tropica 142: 89-95.

Ohba S, Matsuo T, Takagi M (2013) Mosquitoes and other aquatic insects in fallow field biotopes and rice paddy fields. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 27: 96-103.

Ohba S, Trang Huynh TT, Kawada H, Loan Luu L, Tran Ngoc H, Le Hoang S, Takagi M (2011) Mosquitoes and their potential predators in rice agroecosystems of the Mekong Delta, southern Vietnam. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 27: 384-392.