

In 2003, I received my B. Sc in Physics at the Andes University, ULA in Mérida, Venezuela, where I worked with Nelson Pantoja and Alejandra Melfo at the "Centro de Física Fundamental" studing a sort of generalization of Randall-Sundrum scenarios.

After getting my BSc degree, I moved to Trieste in order to do the High Energy Physics Diploma 2003-2004 at Abdus Salam ICTP, where I was supervised by Bobby S. Acharya on Compactification of M-theory on G(2) manifolds.

Recently, I had finished my PhD at Santa Maria University in Chile. I'm working as a postdoc together with Ivan Schmidt and also involved in a project with Carlos Nunez from Swansea University (UK).

My curriculum vitae is attached in PDF format.