Installing Chromiun-browser (Karmic Koala)

Post date: 04-Nov-2009 19:42:25

In order to install the browser chromium (father of the well known Google Chrome), you must have administration power (or the root password)

In a terminal, type

[> gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and at the end of the file copy the following two lines,

deb karmic main

deb-src karmic main

Save the file and close it. Then, again in the terminal type the command lines (one by one),

[> sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 0xfbef0d696de1c72ba5a835fe5a9bf3bb4e5e17b5

[> sudo apt-get update

[> sudo apt-get install chromium-browser

Now, you can start the browser by looking in Applications --> Internet --> Chromium Web Browser or using the CLI

[> chromium-browser &

That's it!!
