Converting PS files into booklets

Post date: 16-Oct-2009 22:12:59

Depite one of the most used format of documents is PDF, there is another very useful format, PostScript or PS (for short).

Each of them has its benefits,

  • Usually PS's are lighter
  • PDF's accept JPG figures (if you are writing in LaTeX)
  • PS' use PSTricks (much powerful than PDFTricks)... so on and so forth.

When one compiles a .tex file with LaTeX, a .dvi file is obtain.

[> latex file.tex

[> latex file.tex

(the second compilation is to avoid mislabeling)

To transform the DVI file into a PS one, one uses,

[> dvips file.dvi

Now, one can see the PostScript file using GhostView, Okular or Evince,

[> evince &

In order to convert the PS into a booklet, the first step is to intercalate in the right way the pages, for this the command is

[> psbook

And finally, one'd like to have the booklet format by putting 2-pages together,

[> psnup -2

Now the booklet is finished, again use evince for seeing it.

