Differential Geometry, Gravity and Particle Physics.

Below there is a (developing) manuscript, containing the notes of the course I'm lecturing.

The aim of this course is to provide a review of differential geometry with non-vanishing torsion, applying these background to generalise the theory of gravitation and analysing the possible effects to particle phenomenology.

MANUSCRIPT changelog

v.15: Correction of MoreKK chapter; New Bibliography style

v.14: Corrected typography whole Chapter KK on S**1

v.13: Corrected typography until Chapter 5.

v.12: More details about Lie derivarite. Added some text about Lie groups and algebras.

v.11: Almost complete "Calculus on Manifolds". Started indexation.

v.10: Additions in the chapter "Calculus on Manifolds"

v.09: Vectors, 1-forms and tensors on manifolds defined.

v.08: Corrected typography on several chapters.

v.07: Added KK reduction of Scalar field on S**1, S**2 and T**2.

v.06: KK reduction finished (with some mistakes).

v.05: The KK calculation has been corrected up to .

v.04: The KK calculation has been corrected up to .

v.03: Digitalisation improved, and more coherence of notation.

v.02: Started adding Kaluza-Klein reduction on 1-sphere, but the digitalisation is not Ok.