Creating an Animation using POVRAY

Post date: 03-Dec-2008 02:29:32

Well, here I won't discuse what the program is nor what does it used for... for that you should check the page

But imagine you've learnt how the program works. So after include the parameter ``clock'' into your program, in order to compile it you should type in the konsole

[> povray +KFI1 +KFF24 file.pov

it generate 24 chronological images in png format, called as the source file with a number attached at the end. Including (for example) " +w640 +h480" on the command line changes the size.

[> animate file*.png

It generate the animation... but make sure you have installed the ImageMagick

[> convert -loop 1 -delay 6 file*.png file-anim.gif
