Emacs and LaTeX

Post date: 15-Jul-2009 15:12:28

I use to write everything in LaTeX.

Until April (when the Jaunty version of Ubuntu was released) I used the Kile editor, however, the new version of Kile wasn't satisfactory (to me)... So I went back in time to an old friend, Emacs.

To install Emacs

$ sudo apt-get instal emacs

It is a really powerful editor (and much more than an editor), which allows one to compile, auto-completion, spell-check, et cetera.

For help on LaTeX environment, open a .tex file using

C-x C-f /path/to/file.tex

if you have emacs running, or launching

$ emacs /path/to/file.tex

from the terminal, then type

C-h m

and the Emacs' LaTeX help will appear.

NOTE: C- means hold Control button while press the next letter.

For flying spell check, use

M-x flyspell-mode

If you need another language dictionary, italian for example, install it

$ sudo apt-get install iitalian

and chenge it typing in Emacs

M-x ispell-change-dictionary <ret> italiano <ret>

NOTE: M- means hold Alt button while press the next letter.
