Breadcrumb Technologies

Breadcrumb Technologies is a reverse-engineering student lab, appliance repair workshop, and online store.   

We take in small appliances like:  computers, cell phones, washers/dryers, dishwashers, lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners, TVs, scooters, sewing machines, power tools, air conditioners, automobiles and various other household gadgets for our "lifelong learners" to methodically disassemble, explore, and repair as needed.  

We also try to identify design issues - like "planned obsolescence" - and come up with improved designs that we share with product engineers.  

We also explore older technologies (from steam engines to sun dials) to see how they still might be useful today.  

This introduces STEM-career oriented students to the practical integration of various components of complex (but commonplace) technologies, such that they can better apply "best practices" and theoretical principles from across the continuum of development on into the future.

*Breadcrumb Tech also identifies what tools are needed to fix basic appliances, which then informs our Neighborhood Tool Libraries  purchases.  🙂

Related info:

Mule Team Wagon Wheelwrights

Norwegian Dragon Ship Rebuilds

Water-Powered Sawmill

Medieval Iron Production

Blacksmiths Association of Missouri

See also:  Repair Cafes 

Breadcrumb Technologies get its name from the old trick of leaving a trail of breadcrumbs behind you when entering an unknown territory so you can find your way back ...