Community Blockhouses

We work with Home Owners Associations to facilitate neighborhood buy-outs of frontage properties in their subdivision, and then convert them for shared community usage & ownership. 

 (For example, to collectively buy out an existing $500,000 house at the front of a subdivision of 100 homes would cost each household about $5,000).  

These converted "Community Blockhouses" can then provide a location to more securely receive packages (instead of UPS or Amazon needing to drive through the whole subdivision just to make a delivery), as well as a host of other community uses, such as:  exercise facilities, mail rooms, community kitchens, tool libraries, meeting spaces, private offices, trash & recycling pick-up, child care (for remote-from-home time), &c.

In the News

How to turn your neighborhood into a village 

Culdesac Community  (Tempe, AZ)

Stelle Community  (Stelle, IL)

Footnote:  In the old frontier American West, "Blockhouses" were bulletproof safe-spaces made of extra thick logs that early settlers used to protect themselves from invading forces.

Contact Us:

Mike Kelly, PE - civil engineer

(314) 882-7101