Walk-A-Mile Theater

Walk-A-Mile Theater is a community theater group - written, cast, and produced less than a mile away from the neighborhoods in which we live.  Our hope is to tap into the cultural zeitgeists of the moment to create productions that help us get to know, understand, and appreciate each other a little better - by "walking a mile in each other's shoes".

We are currently looking for:  writers, actors, singers (+ linguists), dancers (+ athletes), musicians, artists & craftsmen, directors, film makers (+ historians, anthropologists), producers (doctors, lawyers, realtors, engineers, businessmen), set designers (+ carpenters, painters, welders, mechanics), costume designers (+ seamstresses, tailors), hair & makeup (barbers, stylists), cafe operators (cooks, cleaners), ticket agents, marketing folks, bookkeepers, managers & assistants (in other words, "cast & crew" ...  and you !)

Walk-A-Mile Theater is dedicated to my beloved son, Emil.


Michael D. Kelly - theater booster

(314) 882-7101
