Universal Routine

A good daily routine might look like this:

Wake up (~ 6 am):  out of bed before birdsong and sunrise

Use bathroom:  take a warm > cold shower;  brush hair & teeth;  drink water ... 

Prep time:  dress in seasonal, comfortable, simple attire;  review "To Do" list & prepare for the day ahead ...

Breakfast (~ 7 am):  have a cup of green tea;  fruit with granola & nut milk ... avoid meat or dairy

Exercise:   go for walk / run around neighborhood;  yoga or tai chi;  then do some sit-ups, push-ups, or other calisthenics;  cool down stretch;  drink water ....

Commute:   walk, bike or take transit to work - avoid driving solo to work

AM Work (~ 8-12 pm):  do something you care about - preferably an industry that everyone  benefits from (e.g. food, clothing, shelter, health) - AM focus on internal priorities & budget - avoid sitting at desk all day ...

Lunch (~ noon):   garden salad w/ tofu;  soup & sandwich;  preferably share meal with friends, co-workers, or other people

PM Work (~ 1-5 pm):  do something you care about - preferably in an industry that everyone benefits from (e.g. food, clothing, shelter, health) - PM focus on external projects & goals - avoid sitting at desk all day ...

Commute:  walk, bike, or take transit back home - avoid driving solo from work

Exercise:  go for walk or run around neighborhood (break a sweat);  lift comfortable weights (until muscle fatigue);  cool down stretch;   drink water ...

Supper (~7 pm):  big garden salad w/ healthy grilled meats or fish;  - preferably share meal with family or friends - avoid heavy foods (reserve for monthly holidays - see below)

Wind down:  be home before sunset;  clean up living space;  spend time with family;  make "To Do List" & work on plans (short- & long-term) ...

Use bathroom:  take a warm > cold shower;  brush hair & teeth;  drink water ... 

Bedtime (~ 10 pm):   be thankful for the good things in life & go to sleep imagining everything working out the way you've planned ...

Weekly Routine 








Saturday: (traditional Sabbath / day of rest)

Monthly Routine 

Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

Global Holidays List (+ birthdays)

January - New Year's Day (Jan 1), Epiphany (Jan 6)

February - Chinese New Year (Feb 10);  Shrove Tuesday (Feb 13);  Ash Wednesday (Lent) / Valentine's Day (Feb 14);  Pisces (Feb 19)

March - Ramadan ( Mar 11);  St Patrick's Day (March 17);  Vernal Equinox / Aries (Mar 20);  Palm Sunday (Mar 24);  Maundy Thursday;  Good Friday;  Easter (Mar 31)

AprilTaurus (Apr 19);  Pesach / Jewish Passover (Apr 23);  

May - Intl Labor Day (May 1);  Ascension (May 9)Pentecost (May 19);  Gemini (May 20)

June - Dragon Boat Festival (June 10);  Shavuot (Jun 12);  Cancer (Jun 20);  Summer Solstice (Jun 20)

July - Islamic New Year (July 7);  Leo (July 22);  

August - Assumption (Aug 15);  Virgo (Aug 22)

September - Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (Sep 17);  Autumn Equinox (Sep 22);  Libra (Sep 22)

October - Rosh Hashanah / Jewish New Year (Oct 3);  Yom Kippur (Oct 12);  Sukkot (Oct 17);  Scorpio (Oct 22);  Halloween (Oct 31)

November - All Saints Day (Nov 1);  All Souls Day (Nov 2);  Sagitarrius (Nov 21);  Thanksgiving (Nov 28)

December - Advent begins (Dec 1);  Immaculate Conception (Dec 8);  Capricorn (Dec 21);  Winter Solstice (Dec 21);  Christmas (Dec 25);  Boxing Day / St Stephen's Day (Dec 26);  New Year's Eve (Dec 31)

Annual / Seasonal Routine 


Winter - Spring - Summer - Fall

every New Year -


I've learned that time can be fleeting - but I've also learned a way to slow it down. 

Whatever your life goals are, a good motto to follow is:  "Plan the work, and then work the plan".

But the secret is two-fold:

First, when planning your goals, make good goals (i.e. beneficial to you and to the world in general).   * remember that good stuff is considered good because it works - and bad stuff is considered bad because it doesn't work.

Second, just planning stuff out is obviously not going to make anything happen - you also then need to TRY to accomplish your goals.  And the secret to slowing down time is that if you are going to try to do something good, you might as well try HARD!

The good news is that if you are trying hard at something that matters, it slows down or condenses time (sort of like when you are trying to carry something really heavy upstairs - it  can seem like it takes FOREVER!)  Well, trying hard yields the same effect.  If you're doing nothing, time just slips away;  but if you are trying really hard - time slows down for you and the collective moments of your life are more densely filled - which makes for a more fulfilling life - and this is a good thing!

In The News:  

"The 5 a.m. Club"