Nox Gigas picture

Above is a picture that I had taken at the Iowa 2015 BFRO Expedition. A Nox Gigas caught out in the open tries to break up its profile detail by grasping branches and laying back in a wooded ravine Echo Valley state park Iowa.

The Story behind this Picture!

Around 5 pm Thursday April 23, 2015 a group of us were at a Rock shelter preparing/grilling hamburgers and brats for a attendee cookout. (Myself, Paul , Steve, Mary, Bob, Barry and Elvie) It was located within a county park in the Silurian escarpments (large rocky timbered hollow ) with a creek running through it in N.E. Iowa. Several of the attendees observed dark figures coming down the ridge line into the ravine below the rock shelter. Barry and Elvie had done some whoops. The park had been closed for the winter and had recently opened for the season.

Just before we started dinner a member descended down into the ravine and a observation (class A sighting) was made by a BFRO investigator Bob Barhite that he saw something dark in color move from left to right just ahead of the individual. Barry told me he saw movement in a thicket about 75 to 100 yards from us.

I took about thirty photos into the thicket of trees and brush at the bottom of the ravine. I had focused on a area that was identified as having movement. About 75 to 100 yards away from my location just at the drop off of the ravine behind the rock shelter.

Near the center of the photo you will see a yellow leaf directly behind the leaf ( the end of a exposed tree trunk) there is a dark hairy head with large dark lips and a hooded nose( This is Pareidolia).

Below the leaf to the left at 7 'O'clock there is a green leaf in a triangle stick framed dark spot. There are two eyes a nose and thick lips with a forehead and black hair looking with its head tilted slightly back. The left hand grasp in front of it on a branch and it's right hand extends out to grasp a branch to the far right. It's body is sprawled out. (I believe this is an actual Nox Gigas attempting to hide).

The outline of the Gigas is telling of its immense size. The reach of the right hand extends directly to its right. The right hand grasps a branch as it tries to lay back "seemly startled reaction" as I shoot pictures its direction. The right leg is setting Indian style with the foot setting on the left side of the left leg. The left leg is positioned out in front toward the left as the left hand reaches out directly in front to grasp a branch. The Gigas holds itself in position to break up its outline! Amazing footage on a BFRO expedition.

Is this the illusive "Bigfoot" the Nox Gigas hiding as it watches the BFRO members from a distance. You be the judge!!

Janice Carter commented: "most people will see a "blob squatch" but if you are familiar with seeing them in the bush you can make out its face".Thank you Janice!

Nox Gigas Linked enhanced pictures

Black and White of the original cropped below The above picture is much clearer when opened and zoomed in! ( Additional cropped and filtered views below)

© Copyright The Nox Gigas Study Richard Soule Hominologist HX MMXXII