Nitops Murray, 1864

Type species: Carpophilus (Nitops) ophthalmics Murray 1864

【形態 / Diagnosis】

複眼は巨大で,大きな個眼から構成され,頬部を欠く.触角溝はほぼ直線的に,強く基部へ向けて狭まる.上翅の長さは幅とほぼ同じか,もしくはより長い.♀の腹部背板第VII節先端は丸まる,もしくはほぼ裁断状で,中央にbeetled processがある.産卵管は幅広く,狭まらず分岐しないgonocoxitesがあり,先端はほぼ裁断状.

【生態 / Bionomy】

【分布 / Distribution】

【備考 / Notes】

成虫写真 / Photos, adults

国外分布図 / Distribution Map, World


N. ophthalmicus species group: [defined by Kirejtshuk & Kurochkin, 2007]

  • more or less subparallelsided and more slender body, large eyes:

  1. Nitops (Nitops) cerei Kirejtshuk & Kurochkin, 2007

  2. Nitops (Nitops) concolor (Sharp, 1889)

  3. Nitops (Nitops) craigheadi (Dobson, 1972)

  4. Nitops (Nitops) distinctus (Reitter, 1873)

  5. Nitops (Nitops) megalops (Dobson, 1972)

  6. Nitops (Nitops) ochraceus (Erichson, 1843)

  7. Nitops (Nitops) ophthalmicus (Murray, 1864)

N. piger species group [defined by Kirejtshuk & Kurochkin, 2007]

  • more or less oval and more robust body, moderately sized eyes:

  1. Nitops (Nitops) crassicollis (Reitter, 1873)

  2. Nitops (Nitops) crassus (Sharp, 1889)

  3. Nitops (Nitops) curvipes (Sharp, 1889)

  4. Nitops (Nitops) dohrni (Reitter, 1876)

  5. Nitops (Nitops) languidus (Erichson, 1843)

  6. Nitops (Nitops) modicus Kirejtshuk & Kurochkin, 2007

  7. Nitops (Nitops) palmatus (Sharp, 1889)

  8. Nitops (Nitops) piger (Murray, 1864)

  9. Nitops (Nitops) pilosocerei Kirejtshuk & Kurochkin, 2007

  10. ?Nitops (Nitops) pubescens (Murray, 1864)

  11. Nitops (Nitops) sordidus Erichson, 1847

  12. Nitops (Nitops) vitraci (Grouvelle, 1902)

【参考文献 / References】

  • Kirejtshuk, A.G. (1997) On the evolution of anthophilous Nitidulidae (Coleoptera) in tropical and subtropical regions. Bonn. zool. Beitr., 47(1-2): 111-134.