Neohelota cereopunctata (Lewis, 1881)


Helota cereopunctata Lewis, 1881: 225 (Japan); Kirejthuk, 2000: 28 [listed]; Lee and Votruba, 2013: 273 (China); Lee, 2017: 178 [listed].

Helota yezoana Kôno, 1939: 158 (Japan); Lee and Votruba, 2013: 273 (as synonym of N. cereopunctata).

Neohelota lini Lee et Satô, 2006: 537 (Taiwan); Lee and Votruba, 2013: 273 (as synonym of N. cereopunctata).

【形態 / Distribution】

【生態 / Bionomy】

【分布 / Distribution】


成虫写真 / Photos, adults

Male, dorsal view (Mt. Haku-san, Gifu Prefecture, 12. V. 2018)
Male, ventral view (Mt. Haku-san, Gifu Prefecture, 12. V. 2018)
Feale, dorsal view  (Mt. Haku-san, Gifu Prefecture, 12. V. 2018)
Female, ventral view  (Mt. Haku-san, Gifu Prefecture, 12. V. 2018)

生態写真 / Photos

国外分布図 / Distribution Map, World

【参考文献 / References】

【分布図作成に用いた文献 / References used for the distribution map】

【分布図作成に用いた標本 / Materials used for the distribution map】