Eoceniretes Kirejtshuk et Nel, 2008

Type species: Eoceniretes yantaricus Kirejtshuk et Nel, 2008

【形態 / Diagnosis】

【生態 / Bionomy】

【分布 / Distribution】

【備考 / Notes】

成虫写真 / Photos, adults

国外分布図 / Distribution Map, World


【参考文献 / References】

  • Kirejtshuk & Nel (2008) New beetles of the suborder Polyphaga from the Lowermost Eocene French amber (Insecta: Coleoptera). Ann. soc. entomol. Fr. (n.s.), 2008, 44 (4) : 419-442.

  • Peris, D. & Jelinek, J. (2020) Syninclusions of two new species of short-winged flower beetle (Coleoptera: Kateretidae) in mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber (Myanmar). Cretaceous Research, 106.