Anthonaeus Horn, 1879

Type species: Colastus agavensis Crotch, 1874

Anthonaeus Horn, 1879: 273.

【形態 / Diagnosis】

【生態 / Bionomy】

【分布 / Distribution】

  • Nearctic Region.

【備考 / Notes】

成虫写真 / Photos, adults

国外分布図 / Distribution Map, World


  • Anthonaeus agavensis (Crotch, 1874)

  • Anthonaeus bajaensis Cline & Audisio, 2010

【参考文献 / References】

  • Cline, A.R. and P. Audisio (2010) Revision of the New World short-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera: Kateretidae). The Coloopterist Bulletin, 64(3): 173-186.

  • Horn, G.H. (1879) Revision of the Nitidulidae of the United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 7: 267-336.

  • Jelinek and Cline (2010) Kateretidae Erichson in Agassiz, 1846. In: Handbook of Zoology. Volume IV. Arthropoda: Insecta. Part 38. Coleoptera, Beetles. A.R.B. Leschen, R.G. Beutel, and J.F. Lawrence (Eds.). Walter de Gruyter, New York, NY.

  • Parsons, C.T. (1943) A revision of the Nearctic Nitidulidae (Coleoptera). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 92: 121-278.