Cyclocaccus Sharp, 1891

Type species. Cyclocaccus laeticulus Sharp, 1891 (designated by Leschen, 1999)

Cyclocaccus Sharp:


  • This genus differs from other Neotropical Cyllodini by the following combination of characters: body round to oval; head without occipital line; frontoclypeal suture incomplete; labrum shallowly emarginate at middle; mandibles with subapical tooth; antennal club usually as long as or slightly shorter than antennal segments I – VIII; antennal segment XI with one or two oval antennal sensillae; scutellum large, apical margin broadly rounded; apical margin of abdominal tergite VII widely rounded or truncate; prosternum narrow, about as wide as greatest width of protibia (except prosternal process); prosternal disc feebly or strongly convex along midline, if disc strongly convex, with tuft of setae at middle in males; meso-metaventrite junction evenly concave; axillary space on metaventrite present, well-developed; metanepisternum about as wide as greatest width of protibia; abdominal sternite III with or without subcoxal lines; apical and lateral margins of tegmen strongly undulating, short and wide, or long and subparallel-sided; gonocoxites deeply incised or square at apex.



  • Neotropical Region (Central to South America)



Cyclocaccus laeticulus Sharp,

Central American (typical) form, Panama

Cyclocaccus laeticulus Sharp,

South American form, Venezuela


【Species list】

Cyclocaccus laeticulus species-group

  • C. clinei Hisamatsu, 2016

  • C. laeticulus Sharp, 1891

  • C. speciosus Hisamatsu, 2016

  • C. monticola Sharp, 1891

  • C. costaricensis Hisamatsu, 2016

  • C. maculatus Hisamatsu, 2016

  • C. epakros Hisamatsu, 2016

C. brevicollis species-group

  • C. brevicollis Sharp, 1891

  • C. oenorubens Hisamatsu, 2016

  • C. pantherinus Hisamatsu, 2016

C. morulus species-group

  • C. lescheni Hisamatsu, 2016

  • C. stonyx Hisamatsu, 2016

  • C. morulus Hisamatsu, 2016

  • C. smileyeyes Hisamatsu, 2016

  • C. intermediatus Hisamatsu, 2016


  • Hisamatsu, S.-T., Bayless, V.M.& Carlton, C.E. (2016) Revision of Cyclocaccus Sharp (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 70(4): 825–870.