Where am I now?

Hi, I am James Ng. I created this website to record the journeys I took with my wheelchair, laptop and camera. I tried to put down my experiences on each place I visited, showing the difficulties I overcame and the ease of my travels I was fortunate to enjoy. I have seen some of the most beautiful sights and met some of the most wonderful people. They truly opened my heart to a world I have found to be simply lovely.

Before I begin, there is this little disclaimer I want to make:

I have osteogenesis imperfecta and this resulted in me fracturing both my femurs since young. I rely on a wheelchair for mobility but I am rather independent in travelling around via public transport. I am able to use my left leg as support to stand upright for a short period of time, and longer with my arms holding onto supports. Hence some of the tasks I was able to perform alone during my trips may not be doable by other wheelchair-bound travellers.

So now click through the links on the menu at the sidebar on the left to let me take you to the places I have been to. And as to where am I now? Read the posts below to find out!