
Agenda - Z. Smith Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University, 5/12/2017

NC-LITe Spring 2017 Meeting Agenda

(Hosted by the Z. Smith Reynolds Library at WFU)

Parking Information and Campus Map Please park in any lot indicated as “General Parking” on the map.

The Z. Smith Reynolds Library is marked “7” and “7a” on the campus map and the nearest general parking lot to ZSR is lot “J”



Come early for coffee and meet and mingle with fellow attendees.

(Location: Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Mandelbaum Room, 4th floor Wilson Wing)

9:10-9:15 Introductions & Logistics

(Location: ZSR Auditorium, Room 404, Reynolds Wing)

9:15-10:15 Campus Updates

Note: We want all of the libraries to be able to give an update. Please nominate a point person for your library’s update and limit to 3 minutes.

10:15-10:30 BREAK


Keynote Speaker- Amanda Foster

Neutral Point of View? Wikipedia Projects and Critical Information Literacy

This keynote address will explore how librarians can use Wikipedia authoring projects as a strategy to incorporate critical information literacy learning outcomes.

11:20-11:55 Lightning Talks

Kyle Denlinger

Title: AutoCrat for DIY workshop assessment

Description: Many instruction librarians teach workshops or one-shots, but keeping track of who’s attended can be a chore, and doubly so if you’re asked to vouch for a student’s attendance for extra credit or provide faculty attendees with a letter as a courtesy for their tenure packet. If you can get a roster of attendees with email addresses, or gather them with a Google Form, the AutoCrat add-on for Google Sheets makes it super simple to track attendance and send auto-generated emails with personalized PDF attachments and a link to a feedback survey.

CIara Healy

Title: Reproducibility & citation management

Description: Information literacy in scientific articles emphasizing the "methods section" of a paper. How Zotero citation manager can help.

Addison Lucchi

Title: "Agents of Change": Gamified Info. Lit. Instruction

Description: "Agents of Change" is a gamified information literacy non-credit course that is used to teach information literacy to face-to-face and online students at DCCC. The Moodle-embedded course incorporates gamification strategies such as scoring points, leader boards, prize drawings, and progressing through different levels - and it will soon also feature digital badging. In this short lightning round talk, I will briefly discuss the current format, goals, and results of this initiative - as well as our plans to improve it over the next year.

Lillian Rigling and Andreas Orphanides

Title: Refocusing the libraries’ instructional support web presence on the instructors

Description: At NCSU Libraries, the vast majority of our course-based instruction happens in our first year writing and speaking courses - mandatory courses for freshmen students - so it is no surprise that our instruction website reflected only these options. However, when an instructor who teaches a course not captured in first year writing and speaking, there was no logical path to seek assistance on the libraries' website. Though the "Instruction" page was found under "Instructor Support," the page was not able to support the needs of a large contingent of instructors. In an effort to ensure the instruction page has more of a focus toward the general university population, we redesigned our instructor support page to provide an obvious path to getting assistance from the libraries' for all instructor needs, and to hopefully engage more course instructors with library services that could enhance their teaching.


Wrap Up, Tour, and Lunch Options


Tour of Wake Downtown and/or Lunch Downtown (optional)



Lunch in Reynolda Village (optional):

Four restaurants are within walking distance of campus, in Reynolda Village

(We will have sign-ups and restaurant information before the event and during the break!)