2014.05.28 Agenda


9:30-10 arrival, coffee/muffins

10:00-11:00 introductions, brief updates from campuses

Campus Updates

  • Guilford College - Mimi

    • LSTA funded grant using ipads; applying for grants for DMC type space

  • UNCG - Filar

    • new LMS (mid-June) maybe to Canvas; liaison team model year one; library has role in Power Up online teaching training (help plan and organize; library faculty also attend); using google tools (hangouts using for meetings and some instruction); SCUA want do more for online classes - Beth working more with them (history of UNCG, primary sources short tutorials); DMC - created gaming lab with 4 xbox 360s and worked with 3 sections of religious studies & video game classes this spring to create videos, ppt, presentations, and website on their research; maker space pilot- trying to get LIS in more/ get into academic departments for makerspace curriculum; AH/JD using google drive in library instruction

  • HPU - Heather/Sam - new website (chat on every page/social media/blog/quick access to spaces info/);

    • H worked with a group of freshmen leaders who work with the library communications/outreach for 1-3 hours/week; surveyed them about library outreach; then asked them to help social media outreach more effective

    • migrating to libguides 2

    • more consistent assessment of LI - get most to do faculty and student surveys

    • librarians partnering with WC to do writing labs - librarians were instructors of record

    • Sam - instruction on multi-media project; most pop topic was research poster creation; more assessment; she has instructional tech blog with IT (not have teaching learning center at HPU); digital humanities project with english class (used Biblioboard; brought in issues of tech, copyright)

  • UNC Charlotte - Stephanie, Mendy, Pamela Mason, Amanda Binder, Marc Bess, Beth Scarborough, Melanie Sorrell, Annette

    • Steph - supporting implementation of QEP for SACS; piloting tutorials in seminar classes connected to the QEP; doing tutorials in Moodle for flipping; trying to help faculty develop smaller assignments that get at the process of research (and not just the databass)

    • Amanda - working with hybrid class in PSC; videos as supplement; will move to more modular; curriculum mapping in history dept - hist dept head assumed students were seeing Amanda, was able to get into core classes; blog aimed at faculty highlighting where instruction could be integrated into her departments

    • ebook project - library is only purchase ebooks that are DRM free, perpetual access, as many users as possible; purchasing textbooks for classes; created database in library (got list from bookstore, find what could get in ebook) and let faculty choose from it; did survey of faculty

    • LSTA grant - easy innovation; developing mobile app using bluetooth tech; push library alerts if have the app enabled

    • streamlining info desk; more group study rooms; endnote drop in sessions in the evening (collab more with grad school); creating tutorials

    • team teach sci classes with endnote workshops

    • library may be purchases 3D printer -

  • NCState - Dre, Lisa, Kim

    • 3 new big picture videos - concepts; 2 new and revamped peer review in 3 minutes - got a student from school of design; From Idea to Library - new tutorial; Picking your topic is research - Anne Burke's project

    • E-learing packages - using html5; dismantle long standing LOBO tutorial

    • Increase in interest in digi media assignments - trying to figure out how best to support classes because not set up for workshops

    • going to single service point in DH Hill;

    • building Makerspace in DH Hill; bigger with teaching environment

    • Hill and Hunt have been doing pop up maker instruction

    • admin funded grants to faculty moving to open textbooks or using ereserves

    • website - launched as a responsive website; how to deal with in tutorials

  • CPCC - Mark (e-learning librarian)

    • using graduate interns to help scale embedded librarians; 100% online interns; started last fall and 3 sections; need teach tools, instructional design and get them embedded in the classroom; successful

    • migrating to libguides 2 - beta site but summer project; creating templates?

    • assessment - piloted pre and post tests; move forward and see if implement in other online classes

    • upgrading to Blackboard - use digital badges component? way to track if students have LI

    • have webex for syncronous (just got); having research appointments; offers mobile apps

    • e-lot committee; e-learning organizational committee; support for viritual campus; standardized template in blackboard

  • salem - anna milholland

    • first library strat plan - fac/student want emerging tech workshop

    • developing moodle modules - primarily video tutorials; baseline info lit

    • prep Libguides 2.0 - want to use libguides for platform for website because not have control over website

    • migrated to WMS with worldcat local

    • co-teach travel course on primary source literacy; going to London and Oxford; looking at open source textbooks

  • NCCU - Dave

    • working on tutorial videos but issues with software

  • WFU - Kyle, Kaeley, Amanda, Joy

    • info lit courses - broke 500 students completing course

    • grant to develop online lib 100 course

    • ZSR open online courses for alumni etc - ZSR Tweets (on how to use twitter)

    • grant to develop MOOC on geneology research

    • dean bought google glass and trying to figure out how to use in LI - explore ethical issues for google glass/tech

    • headaches with streaming video - new person working on streaming licensing

    • library finished year long vision process re how fit in with campus computing (creating teaching learning unit on campus); rethink laptop program

  • App State - Megan Johnson

    • moodle modules

    • new dean

    • space redesign

    • libguides 2

  • NCSU SOE library - Kerri

    • literary festival - did children's activities using tech; do a lot with legos; reading impact on lives videos

    • take a 3D printers out to schools - tinkercad; Digital storytelling

    • ISTE conference presentations - using stations and centers for college learnings as model for K12 education

    • trying to get more info lit into core courses

      • wired wednesdays - brown bag; not have many faculty; move to online videos

11:00- 11:50 break-out sessions

  • Tutorials Breakout Notes:

  • Attendees: Kyle Denlinger WFU, Mark Coltrain CPCC, Kim Duckett NCSU, Dre NCSU, Marc Bess UNCC, Anna, Dave Central, Megan Johnson App State (recorder).

        • Concept tutorials versus tool based (how-to) - bottom line, make your how-tos quick- spend more time on concepts (longer shelf life)

        • Maintenance schedule- ideal to have an inventory, remind subject librarians to review, update, the long tail...summer is a good time, but have to leave time for marketing, etc.

        • Important to figure out what is sustainable- meeting one-on-one with every student is not sustainable :)... but would they watch a video on how to do an assignment or other stuff?

        • Balance of standardization and just getting it done (consistent look and feel is nice, but maybe not too important on a how-to..and it is nice to not “over-brand” so that other libraries can use your Youtube (or otherwise hosted video) and have the content be applicable.

        • Short. 5 minutes is too long.

        • Content for Freshman? Struggle on what to present- should there be a mandatory collaboration with the library, or just have tools available for the freshman instructors that are willing to embed or use.. (the converted will use your tools)

        • Value of faculty partnerships and course design curriculum integration - seat at the table in developing assignments

        • What software does Lynda.com use? - Alexander Street Press- Build a Module (how-to Drupal videos that have nice transcript)

        • Youtube has a transcript feature that continues to improve.

        • HTML5 and mp4- hosting issues for interactivity (can you see the results of all that interactive quizzes, flash style animations). Chapters/TOC nice feature.

        • By fall, NCSU moving away from course guides- rethink how they present (how to explore a topic, not do a specific assignment) moving to more broadly applicable subject guides.

        • Kyle's idea for sharing all these instructional tools- a repository with metadata! Something more lightweight than Primo or Merlot- something open source, nimble…we suggested Dre do this and put it on gethub :)

        • Assessment is always a good idea- ideally build in a plan for it as you go along. You can look at data of usage, and do pre-post, do usability studies

      • Important to get Administrative support for time to develop instructional tool- Dave in particular is “chained to the reference desk”

      • Kerri looking at google communities for book club possibilities;

      • turn it in has a pay for model;

      • script in google docs for track changes and easy bibs

  • makerspaces: mainly talked about the makerspace pilot at UNCG... info including a time lapse video of our 3d printer can be found here: http://uncg.libguides.com/makerspace

  • ipad/apps for instruction:

    • google hangouts - using to create small groups with activities (producing products; collab google projects); in person class they were forced to use google hangout to do online collab work; doing this because all students will have to do online class before graduate

    • Trello - project organization (see BFW who is using if for the makerspace LIS curriculum project at UNCG if you have questions)

    • More talk about tablet management

    • instructor attitudes toward tablets

12:00- 12:45 lunch in the library, discussion of break-out sessions *box lunches will be provided including a vegetarian/vegan option! (thank you to our UL, Stanley Wilder!)

12:45- 1:45 lightning talks w/Q & A (see below)

1:45-2:30ish tour of library

Lightning talks:

    • Kim Duckett & Dre , NCSU: "Walk in Wisdom" Program: how let people know what we can help them with because not great signage and what kinds of things can you ask a librarian? strong branding for chat service; make teachable moments happen within the library based on popup concept; used white boards to catch attention; bribe with candy; made buttons; did 2 1.5 hour periods during busy periods; had great response; because moving to one service point - want to see if this could be a possible/successful

    • Marc Bess, UNC-Charlotte: Iterative Design of Interactive Online Learning Modules: modules in moodle; integrate activities into the modules; three modules built around inquiry process;

    • Samantha Harlow, High Point University: Media Services LibGuides: http://www.highpoint.edu/library/media/ libguides for media and digital services; stand alone guides and not just for classes; free media software libguide - popular but can be hard to maintain

  • Stephanie Otis, UNC-Charlotte: Captivate and Moodle for Low-Stakes Research Activities:

    • low stakes research process; focus faculty on the smaller pieces (how to read an article; coming up with topics) and create activities and tutorials to support; could lead up to a research paper or replace the paper (focus more on the goal of research and not the final product); allow opp to use captivate and moodle to support; focus on modular approach for particular classes/assignments; in outreach promoting tutorials as much/more than LI; able to get the data as students answer activities; have some of their videos on youtube atkins library information commons (reading is research); while videos are made for a specific course, they have a template they can use to customize it for a specific class; activities go with the videos;

  • Mark Coltrain, Central Piedmont Comm. College: Killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs: embedded librarian program since 2009/10; libs enrolled as course builders in Bboard; program has gotten really big so have brought in interns; also some of the libs and faculty have had innovative collab; created pre and post assessment with 19 MC, 90% response rate; problem with scalability; very popular but need to start over; looking more at redesigning curriculum so can embed the content and not just the librarians; take advantage of the standarization of the curriculum;