2010.05.18 Agenda

NC-LITe Summer Meeting 2010

Location: UNCG

Date: May 18 2010

Library Instructional Tech Campus Updates:

    • Wake Forest: (Sarah, Erik, Barry) Writing Assistance Center - 6 faculty. Technology = playing with ebooks; have a new book scanner (Atiz) which is good for scholarly communications, digitization. Better than flatbed.; potential partnership to make innovation lab with a focus on mac, mobile devices (itouch etc), virtualization looking at VCL at NCSU.

    • NCSU: (Hyun-Duck Chung, Dre, Kim Duckett) new scanner; beginning July 1 a new digital technologies and learning librarian (Dre); web redesign coming up this summer, evaluation of instruction - trying to centralize and making it easy to find, how to push online learning content out and make tutorials more visible; creation of e-learning team and looking at best practices; with webdesign, moving to Drupal, web personas; back-up tool for library course pages administration consul to know how long since page has been updated, etc.

    • UNC: (Emily, Kim, Suchi) moving to a liaison system and streamlining - moving to library a la carte this summer so that not everyone needs to know HTML, looking at instructional updates and maintenance (subject guides, tutorials); Gadget Budget (from endowment fund) allows UNC to buy gadgets and tools and play with them --> "no strings attached": become more flexible about what we purchase and find uses for them. Used for conferences, training, classes etc: ipads, lynda.com software, different types of tablets/slates, technology for staff: netbooks; planning/repurposing another student academic services lab where writing center is in conjunction with libraries for Fall, staffed with library staff

    • App State: (Scott Rice) Captivate licenses will help to make something similar to WF's toolkit; reserves for Kindles and Nooks; new xml generated/javascript-based "choose your own adventure" game; assessment pre/post test for game; Library Adventure Game

    • Guilford College: (Nathaniel King) Instruct Tech has been moved from IT to the library (Moodle); Strategic Planning to include student e-portfolios --> includes instructional tech skills for; money for design lab; new libguides this year with positive feedback; outreach on campus to different groups (online identity management through career services)

    • High Point University: (Kathy Shields) chat reference, libguides - brand new subject guides

    • UNCG: (Lynda, Hannah, Jenny, Beth) switching to course guides to lib guides, usability testing pre-libguides launch -->see if students know how to navigate, what type of entry point people want, training for migration, what should be websites and what should be libguides (and what is course guide really doing); switch to sharepoint AND website redesign; TRIAL moving citation guides over in 3-columns and 2-columns (preferred 3 columns and no scrolling), used tabs; 10-module multimedia research tutorial --> sources, plagiarism, outcomes, quizzes, login; Clickers with remotes for UNS tours

Breakout Session 1

Breakout Session 2


Name - Email address - Institution

Beth Filar Williams efwilli3[at]uncg.edu UNCG

Jenny Dale jedale[at]uncg.edu UNCG

Hyun-Duck Chung hchung3[at]ncsu.edu NCSU

Kim Duckett kim_duckett[at]ncsu.edu NCSU

Suchi Mohanty smohant[at]email.unc.edu UNC

Kim Vassiliadis kimv[at]email.unc.edu UNC

Emily King emking[at]unc.edu UNC

Hannah Winkler h_winkle[at]uncg.edu UNCG

Erik Mitchell mitcheet[at]wfu.edu WFU

Barry Davis davijb[at]wfu.edu WFU

Sarah Jeong jeongsh[at]wfu.edu WFU

Lynda Kellam lyndamk[at]gmail.com UNCG

Kathy Shields dkathryn[at]gmail.com High Point U

Scott Rice ricese[at]appstate.edu App State

Nathaniel King kingn[at]guilford.edu Guilford

Dre Orphanides dre_orphanides[at]ncsu.edu NCSU

Lea Leininger Lea_Leininger[at]uncg.edu UNCG

Beth Bernhardt beth_bernhardt[at]uncg.edu UNCG