using tech for assessment

Using Tech for Assessment

Why interested in this topic:

    • All agree that assessment is challenging

    • Hyun-Duck (NCSU) - has used quizzes in Moodle to assess student learning and provide feedback. Interested in general and how librarians could share not only

    • Kim D. (NCSU) - NCSU needs to revamp info lit tutorial LOBO - we want to rethink assessment.

    • Leah (UNC-G) - How to make assessment more deliberate and student learning outcomes driven Workable approaches using technology to assess student learning.

    • Kim V. (UNC-CH) - a lot of online tutorials, interested in how meaningful they are to users and how much do they get used.

    • Sarah (WFU) - science information literacy -- interested in assessment ideas can gather from others


UNC-G has been using Google Forms -- feeds into a Google spreadsheet with analysis tools. They've experimented with sharing pre- and post-tests.


Keeping assessment in sync with changes to instructional content.

How can technology be used to both receive the assessment feedback as well as push out responses (ex. content that would help the student understand why an answer was wrong or a tip to help them).

So, where do we start w/ assessment? political, marketing to faculty, test if its working -- or start with Content/whats taught in libraries? Or, start by determine learning outcomes, then create content according to each outcome.

Next Steps:

at what point in this chart is it useful for us to share with each other?

- ways you have used specific tools

- share general questions w/ other libraries