
NC-LITe Winter Meeting


Lakeside Meeting Room 212 in Moseley Center

Elon University

9-9:30 Breakfast/Mingling: Come early for snacks and to meet and mingle with your fellow attendees.

Introductions & Logistics

9:30-10:15 Campus Updates

Note: We want all of the libraries to be able to give an update. Please nominate a point person for your library’s update and limit to 3 minutes.

10:15 am-11:15

· Why Ed Tech Works (and why it doesn’t)– Michael Vaughn, Elon

11:15-11:25 Break, meet back at 10:50 am


· How do you support student project ideas? – 6 Lightning presenters

Wrap Up, tour, and lunch direction

12:00 Tour of teaching and learning spaces:

· Alamance 207 (Michael Vaughn) - Located on the second floor of Alamance, this space operates as collaborative classroom that can seat up to 26 people. This classroom includes 4 projectors, a desktop computer, AirMedia, and a touch panel controlling the entire room. This room is ideal for group work, discussions, and presentations as each projector in the classroom can display something different at the same time.

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· Maker Hub (Dan Reis) - The Maker Hub is Elon’s first makerspace open to all Elon students, faculty and staff. A makerspace is a space where you make things. You can print your digital designs on a 3D printer, sew programmable blinking lights into your shirt, build and program a robot arm, learn about circuits, or meet up with some friends to play with LEGOs. It’s a space where you have access to tools, supplies, materials and knowledge that you can’t always access on your own.

1:00 Lunch (optional): Multiple restaurants in walking distance from campus.