Instructional Tech in One Shot

Instructional Tech in one shot library instruction sessions

Clickers/Polling/Poll Everywhere

    • iClicker system - base station that you plug into a usb drive - just takes a screenshot (you can type your question in)

      • used for "Jeopardy" style questions

      • in one-shots - along the lines of instant polling (did they get a particular concept)

      • Q: Did you feel like it flowed seamlessly w/ what you were doing?

        • A: It was weird at first but it got easier to integrate

    • Using clickers/polling to turn class over to students

    • Issue of seamless integration

      • Higher level clicker use- using them in an iterative way - not just one question, but three questions, to see how their answers change

    • Idea of asking a question w/o a "right" answer - have them vote, discuss, then vote again - you can have students who know more about the concepts teaching those who know less

    • Polling - launching polls (like PollEverywhere) ahead of time to drive class planning

    • Used for website eval activities

    • Good for finding out what students didn't get - anonymity of clickers/polling systems is good

    • These types of things are good for finding out what students know, finding out what they want/need to know, finding out what they learned

    • Lynda's concern: are clickers going to be like powerpoint? (i.e. are students getting annoyed w/ clickers)

Integrating tutorials into classroom

    • Requiring/encouraging it before class - but what about during class?

    • Links on course pages to tutorials

    • Suggestion that faculty show resources ahead of time

    • Some instructors might ask teaching librarians to show certain tutorials

    • Do we want to spend in-class time (which is precious) to share these resources?

    • Creative commons video - gets people into the topic

    • Games

    • Difficulty is turning our in-class paper-based activities to online games/activities

    • Elon - podcasts - can be used as refreshers/recaps

Pre-assessment and Post-assessment

    • UNCG - using google spreadsheets

      • hard part is writing the questions

      • revisiting idea from last IT mtg - what about a database of assessment questions for all to share?

Partnering w/ Faculty and other campus units

    • partnering w/ faculty to help develop assignments that facilitate this type of assessment or integration of instructional tech

    • Guilford example - workshop on how to create effective assignments - structuring assignments that can improve use of collections/databases - helps take the burden off faculty for creative innovative assignments

    • Faculty have to see it as something that will save them time, rather than take a lot of their time

    • More tool-based than necessarily concept-based (i.e. chemistry - focus is on using SciFinder Scholar rather than learning org chm concepts)

    • Using short screencasts to market dbs/resources to faculty (SimplyMap is a good example) - shared via email - more proactive way to share library resources with faculty - targeted toward their classes/syllabi

    • Lynda's data blog - helps promote resources to faculty

    • What about having faculty post to a blog (multiple perspectives) -- good for faculty who might be under pressure to have a broader presence

    • What about other campus units?

      • Learning Commons at Guilford - basically a writing center but getting lots of reference questions

      • difficult to know how successful referrals are

      • career services - career resources

      • UNCG has liaisons to other campus units