2011.05.03 Agenda

NC-LITE Spring Event: Focus on Assessment

Date: May 3, 2011 - 9:30-1:00 followed by optional lunch and library tour (see agenda further below)

Location: NC State University


Part I: Introductions & Catch up - 9:30-10:40

Each institution will provide a 5 minute update, with an additional 5 minutes per institution for Q&A.(10 minutes total per institution.)

Use these prompts to focus your update:

    • Something exciting

    • A challenge around the corner

    • A new technology in your library


Wake Forest - Summer technology grants -- library is working with 4 of the grants (data sets, open access modular info literacy textbook); as university, is setting up WebX - every student, staff and faculty will have access to videoconferencing - 120-seat auditorium is being built in library for use with lectures, etc.; are checking out ipad2 to patrons Barry, Lauren, Kaeley, Mary Beth, Mary, Sarah -- getting portable units for use on campus -- have instruction sessions scheduled that will happen through WebX; research/info literacy one-credit elective

UNC-G - Jenny, Amy, Beth -- creating instructional technology toolkit with freely available tools that folks may use on campus - links to info/tutorials, etc. -- shared info about it with LIS students -- peer-review Open Acccess Journal, Journal of Learning Spaces, through OJS -- hope to get first journal off the ground this summer - challenge: what to do with assessment data -- library needs to be bigger part of it

High Point - Kathy, Amy -- moving to OCLC Web Scale Management; exploring ereaders and ebooks; exploring tutorials in Camtasia and Big Blue Button for web conferencing; have a Sympodium in their instruction classroom (like a smart board but allows for publishing notes)

UNC-CH - Nicole, Amanda, Sarah Bankston, Sarah Dooley, Suchi, Gardner -- Blackboard access will be shut off completely by December 2012; are putting training/instructional supplemental materials into Sakai through organizational site; moving from Library a la Carte to LibGuides/CampusGuides/LibAnswers (with Health Sciences) this summer -- will take over coursepages and subject guides; Kim V. has surveyed public services librarians to get better sense of what libns want in terms of training services and support; freshman English will change completely so that all students must take one English class - will happen by Fall 2012

NC State - hired Anne Burke as Undergraduate Outreach and Instruction librarian -- working closely with first-year writing instructors; trying to figure out what to do with LOBO - managing online connections with first-year writing program E-learning team to think about online learning content: Cindy Levine, Dre, Hyun-Duck, Hill (fellow), Kim, Anne Karen - director of Natural Resources library - worked closely with instructor of critical thinking in natural resources to determine how best to teach research and problem solving skills Kathy Brown - assessment -- from SACS perspective: "park" assessment data somewhere (Intranet) -- show SACS that you're assessing something and that you're thinking clearly about what students are learning -- "what did I do as a result of what I learned?" (what have you changed as a result of your learning?) Sandbox: expose students to "out there" technologies -- library is a space for all students to gather and think about these new technologies -- funded by grant Task force for learning spaces -- outcome will be toolbox for thinking about new spaces, technology planning -- partnership between library, DELTA and two strategic design firms (architects) - began in October, will go for 2 years

Duke - Something exciting - annual retreat on incorporating data into the classroom next week; we've done a decent amount of usability testing this semester (including a new method for Duke -- observational testing based on Steve Krug's method that included 15 staff and resulted in changes to the homepage the very same day); Undergrad Advisory Board A challenge around the corner - moving from Blackboard to Sakai as our campus-wide LMS -- in pilot phase now, hope to have nearly everyone up and running by fall -- Bb license ends next summer and so hope to be finished with Bb entirely by then -- not sure how library resources will be integrated into Sakai; hope to work with UNC as we move toward that -- plan to devlop shared learning outcomes for our first-year writing program this summer -- wondering how this will be received by librarians A new technology in your library - Summon is currently serving as tool behind our articles tab/finder; plan to expand that this summer to include catalog data and articles in one search; have done usability testing of Summon as an articles tool -- will seek feedback from users this summer and then make decision in time for fall

Part II: Presentations and Discussion - 10:50-11:50

1. UNC-CH's new assessment strategies -- (15 min presentation - 15 discussion) -- 10:50-11:20

2. UNCG's PATH tutorial and assessment - UNCG librarians will provide an overview of how they are doing assessment for their new tutorial, share assessment data, etc. -- (15 min presentation - 15 discussion) -- 11:20-11:50

Short break - 11:50-12:00

Part III: Breakout Scenarios -- 12:00-12:40

Breakout sessions will focus on assessment challenges and opportunities in the library. We'll break out into three groups, each group discussing a different area of assessment:

    1. Assessing a technology lending program

    2. Assessing prior knowledge and mental models of learners

    3. Assessing the impact of library spaces on learning

Each group will be provided with a short scenario to drive discussion. The scenarios will be distributed at the beginning of the breakout session.

Group reports from breakout sessions and wrap-up - 12:40-1:00

Lunch - 1:00, Porter's Tavern

After lunch -- interactive tour of NCSU's Technology Sandbox

Getting to NC State, DH Hill Library:

Parking at NC State

Parking at NCSU isn't easy. Here are two options:

Option 1. (SIMPLEST): Dan Allen Deck Pay Lot (7 min. walk to library)

    • Cost: $2 initial hour, $1 per additional hour, $6 daily maximum

    • Location of Dan Allen Deck - see map here: http://screencast.com/t/9Yd2NN5Q

    • From Dan Allen to DH Hill Library -- head east across campus and most paths lead to the Brickyard. Just ask a student.

Option 2. (Cheapest): Visitor Pass at Coliseum Lot (12 min. walk to library)

    • Cost: Pick up a $2 pass at the Visitor Information Booth on Stinson Dr. The Coliseum Lot is nearby, but it is harder to navigate to the library from this lot. You'll need to go through a tunnel. Ask for information at the information booth.

    • Locations of Coliseum lot, library, and visitor booth (annotated): http://screencast.com/t/6u0rKX0VxLZ

    • From Coliseum Lot to the library -- see directions here: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/parking

Getting to the Meeting Room

The event will be held in the Multimedia Seminar Room within DH Hill Library: The entrance to the D. H. Hill Library is on the ground level. Go up the central staircase once you've entered the building. At the top of the stairs, turn right and head into the Learning Commons. Immediately once you've entered the Commons you'll see glass tables on your left. Ask a librarian for directions to the Multimedia Seminar Room on the 2nd floor, East Wing. It's next to the Assembly Room. Where we mean by the learning commons glass tables:
