2010.12.03 Agenda

NC-LITe Winter Meeting 2010

Date: December 3, 2010, 9am - 1pm

Location: UNC Chapel Hill, Undergraduate Library, rm 205

Please join us in Chapel Hill for the bi-annual meeting of the NC-LITe group:

9:00 - 9:30am: Arrival. Coffee/tea and light snacks will be provided.

Location: Undergraduate Library, rm 205

9:30 - 10:30am: Welcome. Introductions and campus updates (5 min for each institution)

Location: Undergraduate Library, rm 205

11:15 - 11:50am: Break Out Session One –

How can we share ideas, tutorials, content, assessment, strategies across campuses.

Sharing Tutorials Wiki Page

Notes: there are various levels of sharing ... video player playlist? Should we share files? Should we collaborate on scripts? Assessment sharing? start with sharing "sharable" tutorials on wiki page and talk assessment at spring meeting?

Mobile technologies (including ebooks, ereaders, iPads and other tablet devices)

11:55am - 12:30: pm Break Out Session Two –

Partnerships with faculty to integrate/use new technologies

How are institutions capturing and using assessment data related to instruction and e-learning content:

How capture assessment data: @ uncg - pre post testing via clickers ( turning pt) or google forms or worksheets. Creating a db for assessment. Focus on learning outcomes mainly. @ecu - use clickrs during sessions, and google form of 321 or 1 min paper. Self assessment periodically. Ask all the same pre and post questions in clases. Will build a db to store the data and analyze it.

Assess tutorials: data? usage?

Cool idea for assessing in person: Concept mapping. Ask students to do w colored pens. Then after watching peer review process tutorial had them change the map w/ colored pens. learn something new? maybe. Assess not learning but how has this changed your perception of library, change in awareness of library and its resources and services.

Feedback from assessing that they want more time to find articles.

12:30- 12:55pm: Large group gathering and reporting. Wrap up.

Location: Room 205

Wrap up: Spring Mtg @NCSU, will focus on Assessment!

1:00 - 2:00pm: Optional - Lunch on Franklin St