


Ingredients (6 persons)

-10 medium grape vine tomatoes (1.5 kg)

-1/2 green pepper

1/2 bell pepper

1/2 cucumber

-1/4 onion

1/2 garlic clove

-8 tbs olive oil extra virgin

-1/4 tsp black pepper

-3/4 tsp salt


-1.5 Kg tomaquets madurs

-1/2 pebrot vermell

-1/2 pebrot verd

-1/2 cogombre

-1/4 ceba mitjana

1/2 gra d'all

-8 cullerades d'oli d'oliva extra verge

-3/4 cullereta de salt

-1/4 cullereta de pebre negre

This recipe results in a mild gaspatxo that tend to be liked by everybody.


Wash tomatoes, peppers and cucumber. Peel cucumbers

Cut tomatoes in 1/8th, peppers and onion in 1 sq inch pieces. Add all ingredients in a food processor and grind until homogeneous

Add oil, salt and black peeper and re-grind. Taste and correct .

Cool in refrigerator and serve cold

We like eating it with bread.

Optional: when it is seved in individual dishes you can add small pieces of peeled cucumber

Aquesta recepta resulta en un gaspatxo molt suau, es gairebe una sopa de tomaquet, que agrada a practicament tothom


Rentar tomaquets pebrots i cogombre. Pelar i tallar el cogombre a daus, tallar el tomaquet a octaus i els pebrots i la ceba a trossos no massa petits.

Passar-ho tot pel minipimer fins que quedi una sopa homogenia

Amanir amb sal i pebre negre i tornar a batre amb el minipimer