
口頭講演 (国際会議・招待)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Entropy production bounds (almost) everything", StatPhys28, University of Tokyo, Japan (2023/8/7-11) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "The problem of thermalization in isolated quantum many-body systems", Quantum Thermodynamics 2023, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria (2023/7/17-21) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi,"Fluctuation and response of time-symmetric current around nonequilibrium stationary states", Non-Equilibrium Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Fluctuations: From Fundamentals to the Next Generation of Microscopic Thermal Machines, University of Nottingham, UK (2022/12/12-15) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Undecidability in quantum thermalization", Third Workshop on Stochastic Thermodynamics (WOST III), Online workshop (2022/5/30-6/3)   (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Resource theories with correlated catalyst", Quantum Information Entropy in Physics, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (2022/3/21-25) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Undecidability in quantum thermalization", New Trends in Quantum Condensed Matter Theory 2021, Online workshop (2021/7/26-30) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Some anomalous thermalization phenomena", International Workshop Quantum Many-Body Dynamics: Thermalization and its Violations, Online workshop (2021/5/24-28)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Proof of absence of local conserved quantity in some nonintegrable models", RIGOROUS STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND  RELATED TOPICS II, Online workshop (2020/11/24-27) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Some bounds on entropy production stronger than the second law of thermodynamics", Stochastic thermodynamics of complex systems, Complexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria (2020/5/27-29). (Held on online due to the spread of COVID-19)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Bounds on entropy production stronger than the second law of thermodynamics", Workshop on Recent Progress in Mathematical and Statistical Physics, The university of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (2019/10/31)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Proof of absence of local conserved quantity in S=1/2 XYZ chain with a magnetic field", The 5th East Asia Joint Seminars on Statistical Physics 2019, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (2019/10/22-25)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Some counterexamples to eigenstate thermalization hypothesis", International Workshop on Quantum Thermodynamics, Shilla Stay Jeju, Jeju, Korea (2019/7/23-26)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Trade-off between efficiency and power of heat engines", APCTP-KIAS Workshop on "Motors and Engines", KIAS, Seoul, Korea (2018/6/25-27) (presentation slide)


Naoto Shiraishi and Ryuji Takagi, "Alchemy of quantum coherence: Arbitrary amplification in asymptotic and catalytic coherence manipulation", Quantum resources 2023, Amara Hotel Singapore, Singapore (2023/12/11-15) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Fluctuation-response relation of time-symmetric current around nonequilibrium stationary state", Perspectives on Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: The 45th Anniversary Symposium of Yamada Science Foundation, YITP, Kyoto, Japan (2023/8/3-5) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Quantum thermodynamics of correlated-catalytic state conversion at small-scale", Quantum Thermodynamics 2021, online workshop (2021/10/4-8) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Quantum thermodynamics of correlated-catalytic state conversion at small-scale", Beyond IID 9, online workshop (2021/9/27-10/1) (talk video)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Proof of absence of local conserved quantity in S=1/2 XYZ chain with a magnetic field". Workshop New Trends in Integrable Systems 2019, Osaka city university, Osaka, Japan (2019/9/9-20)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Examining scenarios of thermalization: analytic model approach", QUANTUM MANY-BODY SYSTEMS FAR FROM EQUILIBRIUM, National Institute for Theoretical Physics, Wallenberg Research Centre, Stellenbosch, South Africa (2018/3/12-16) (presentation slide)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Counterexamples to eigenstate thermalization hypothesis", 14th Granada Seminar, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Spain (2017/6/20-23) 

Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa, “Partial entropy production and its application”, Stochastic Thermodynamics in Biology, Jam Session, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden (2015/9/29)

Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa “Fluctuation Theorem for Partially-masked Nonequiriblium Dynamics” Workshop on recent Developments in Non-Equilibrium Physics - "Luxembourg out of Equilibrium", University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2015/1/12)


白石直人「非平衡定常状態における揺動応答関係」物性研ワークショップ: 開放系トポロジーと生体・量子・統計物理、東京大学物性研究所(2022年3月28-30日)(講演スライド

白石直人「孤立した量子多体系の熱平衡化をめぐる問題」 QMKEK 量子論の諸問題と今後の発展 高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK) 研究本館小林ホール (2020年2月11-12日)

白石直人「熱力学的系におけるスピードの原理限界」 基研研究会・iTHEMS研究会 2018 非平衡系の物理学-階層性と普遍性- 京都大学基礎物理学研究所(2018年12月26-28日)(講演スライド

白石直人「Discovery of Universal Trade-off Relation between Power and Efficiency for Heat Engines」 若手研究会「統計物理学とその周辺」、東京大学(2018年3月1日-2日)

白石直人「熱機関のパワーと効率の間の普遍的なトレードオフ関係」 第5回統計物理学懇談会、慶應義塾大学(2017年3月6日-7日)

白石直人、沙川貴大「Markov jumpのエントロピー生成のadditiveな分解」 ゆらぎと構造シンポジウム、東京大学(2014年3月14日)


白石直人「量子純粋状態の熱平衡化のシナリオを巡って」 量子情報・物性の新展開 東京大学物性研究所(2018年7月31-8月3日)(講演スライド


Naoto Shiraishi, Introduction to stochastic thermodynamics (tutorial part), Some bounds on entropy production stronger than the second law of thermodynamics (main part), Frontiers of Complex Systems Science: Soft Matter, Biophysics, and Statistical Physics (winter school), National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2020/2/3-4)

白石直人「エントロピーとマクロの普遍法則」 伊計島セミナー produced by 数理の翼 (2018/8/23-27)


Naoto Shiraishi, "Information thermodynamics and beyond", Hokkaido University (2014/11/26-27)


Naoto Shiraishi, Chilloquium 2023 week 8 (2023/8/15)  video link

Naoto Shiraishi, "Undecidability in thermalization phenomena", Budapest Integrability Events, Budapest, Hungary (2021/6/10)

Naoto Shiraishi, “Maximum efficiency of heat engine revisit”, Theory Club, University Paris Diderot-Paris 7, Paris, France (2016/2/12)

Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa, “Fluctuation theorem for autonomous measurement and feedback”, Theory Club, University Paris Diderot-Paris 7, Paris, France (2014/11/7)


白石直人「Unbounded amplification of quantum coherence」学術変革領域研究A 極限宇宙の物理法則を創る 領域セミナー(2023年11月29日)



白石直人「Undecidability in quantum thermalization」統計力学セミナー、東京大学(2021年11月22日)

白石直人「Undecidability in quantum thermalization phenomena」渡辺研セミナー、東京大学(2021年3月10日)

白石直人「Mathematics of thermalization in isolated quantum systems」Math/Phys joint Seminar, iTHEMs, RIKEN(理化学研究所)(2020年11月10日)

白石直人「計算困難なインスタンスの決定論的方法による構成」 待兼山コロキウム、大阪大学豊中キャンパス サイバーメディアセンター(2020年1月7日)

白石直人「Proof of absence of local conserved quantity in S=1/2 XYZ chain with a magnetic field」 物性研理論セミナー、物性研究所(2019年11月29日)

白石直人「Proof of absence of local conserved quantity in S=1/2 XYZ chain with a magnetic field」 立教大学数理物理学研究センター 第4回セミナー、立教大学(2019年9月6日)

白石直人「熱力学第二法則よりも強い、エントロピー生成に対する不等式」 理論インフォーマルセミナー、物性研究所(2019年1月24日)

白石直人「熱力学第二法則よりも強い、エントロピー生成に対する不等式」 茨城大セミナー、茨城大学(2018年12月17日)


白石直人「量子純粋状態の熱平衡化をめぐって」日本大学理工学部 素粒子論研究室コロキウム、日本大学(2018年4月25日)

白石直人「Power and Efficiency: a fundamental problem」沙川研セミナー、東京大学(2017年5月31日)

白石直人「Universal trade-off relation between efficiency and power」笹本研セミナー、東京工業大学(2017年5月16日)

白石直人「Universal trade-off inequality between power and efficiency」佐々研セミナー、京都大学(2017年2月20日)






Naoto Shiraishi, "Proof of non-integrability of S=1/2 XYZ chain with a magnetic field", STATPHYS27, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos

Aires, Buenos Aires, Algentina (2019/7/8-12) 

Naoto Shiraishi, "Constructing Concrete Hard Instances of Maximum Independent Set Problem", Disordered serendipity: a glassy path to discovery, A workshop in honour of Giorgio Parisi's 70th birthday, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy (2018/9/19-22)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Entropy production provides universal bound on speed of operation", Stochastic Thermodynamics: Experiment and Theory, Max Planck Institute, Dresden, Germany (2018/9/10-14)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Analytic quantum model emulating classical chaotic system", Quantum thermodynamics: thermalization and fluctuations, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (2017/9/27-30).

Naoto Shiraishi and Keiji Saito, “No-go theorem for Carnot efficiency with finite power”, STATPHYS26, Centre de Congrès de Lyon, Lyon, France (2016/7/18-22)

Naoto Shiraishi, Keiji Saito, and Hal Tasaki, “Universal trade-off inequality between power and efficiency”, Solvay Workshop - Nonequilibrium and Nonlinear Phenomena in Statistical Mechanics, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Campus Plaine), Brussels, Belgium (2016/7/11-13)

Naoto Shiraishi, Keiji Saito, and Hal Tasaki, “Universal trade-off relation between efficiency and power”, Conference on Non-Equilibrium Systems (CONES) 2016, Goodenough College, London. UK (2016/7/6)

Naoto Shiraishi, “Attainability of Carnot Efficiency with Autonomous Engines", The Conferences of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO 41), Vienna University, Vienna, Austria (2016/2/17)

Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa, “Partial entropy production and its application”, International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2015, PA-111, Inamori Hall, Shiran-Kaikan, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (2015/8/21)

Naoto Shiraishi, "Attainability of Carnot efficiency with autonomous heat engine" Yukawa International Seminar 2015 (YKIS2015): New Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics 2015, PS-38, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (2015/8/18)

Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa, “Partial entropy production and its application”, New Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Physics 2015 (Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics), PS-20, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (2015/7/28)

Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa, “Partial entropy production and its application”, Frontiers of Statistical Mechanics: From Non-equilibrium Fluctuations to Active Matter (winter school), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (2015/2/9)

Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa “Fluctuation Theorem for Partially-masked Nonequiriblium Dynamics”, Workshop on recent Developments in Non-Equilibrium Physics - "Luxembourg out of Equilibrium", University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Lixembourg (2015/1/13)

Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa, “Fluctuation theorem for autonomous measurement and feedback”, Workshop on Small Systems far from Equilibrium: Order, Correlations, and Fluctuations, PS-6, Max-Planck Institute for Physics Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (2013/10/14)

Naoto Shiraishi, “Anomalous System Size Dependence of Large Deviation Functions for Local Empirical Measure”, STATPHYS25, No.278, Seoul University, Seoul, Korea (2013/7/23)






白石直人、沙川貴大「濃度差で駆動される自律的な熱機関のモデル」 日本物理学会第70回年次大会、22pAM-10、早稲田大学(2015年3月22日)

白石直人、沙川貴大「一遷移レベルで成り立つ非平衡関係式」 第59回物性若手夏の学校、F-5、浜名湖ロイヤルホテル(2014年7月31日)

白石直人、沙川貴大「自律的な情報熱機関に関するゆらぎ定理」 日本物理学会第69回年次大会、29pBD-4、東海大学(2014年3月29日)

白石直人「経験測度の大偏差関数におけるシステムサイズ依存性の異常」 日本物理学会第68回年次大会、29pXM-10、広島大学(2013年3月29日)