

Naoto Shiraishi, "An Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics: From Basic to Advanced (Fundamental Theories of Physics, 212)" Springer (2023) (author support page)

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白石直人「物理学からの/における問い①  理論物理学は何を考えるか――歴史学・政治学との比較を交えつつ」(共著:前田亮介編戦後日本の学知と想像力――〈政治学を読み破った〉先に』吉田書店(2022)

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Naoto Shiraishi

"Absence of local conserved quantity in the Heisenberg model with next-nearest-neighbor interaction"


Naoto Shiraishi and Hal Tasaki

"Nature abhors a vacuum: A simple rigorous example of thermalization in an isolated macroscopic quantum system"


Naoto Shiraishi

"Wasserstein distance in speed limit inequalities for Markov jump processes"


Naoto Shiraishi and Ryuji Takagi

"Alchemy of quantum coherence: Arbitrary amplification in asymptotic and catalytic coherence manipulation"


Naoto Shiraishi, Tan Van Vu, and Keiji Saito

"Is there any upper bound on current fluctuation in cross-transport beyond linear response regime?"



[32] Mizuki Yamaguchi, Naoto Shiraishi, Koji Hukushima

”Proof of avoidability of the quantum first-order transition in transverse magnetization in quantum annealing of finite-dimensional spin glasses”

J. Stat. Phys. 191, 12 (2024) /  arXiv:2307.00791

[31] Naoto Shiraishi

"Entropy production limits all fluctuation oscillations"

Phys. Rev. E 108, L042103 (2023) / arXiv:2304.12775 

 [30] Naoto Shiraishi

"Fluctuation-response relation of time-symmetric quantities around general nonequilibrium stationary state"

J. Stat. Mech. 033207 (2023) / arXiv:2211.11437 

[29] Naoto Shiraishi

"Time-symmetric current and its fluctuation response relation around nonequilibrium stalling stationary state"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 020602 (2022) / arXiv:2111.09477 

[28] Ryuji Takagi and Naoto Shiraishi

"Correlation in catalysts enables arbitrary manipulation of quantum coherence"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 240501(2022) / arXiv:2106.12592 

[27] Naoto Shiraishi

”Optimal thermodynamic uncertainty relation in Markov jump processes”

J. Stat. Phys. 185, 19 (2021) / arXiv:2106.11634 

[26] Naoto Shiraishi and Keiji Matsumoto

"Undecidability in quantum thermalization"

Nat. Comm. 12, 5084 (2021) / arXiv:2012.13889 & arXiv:2012.13890

Nature Communications 誌の2021年物理分野のTop25論文に選出(詳細はこちら

[25] Naoto Shiraishi and Keiji Saito

"Speed limit for open systems coupled to general environments".

Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023074 (2021) / arXiv:2002.11991

[24] Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa

"Quantum thermodynamics of correlated-catalytic state conversion at small-scale"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 150502 (2021) / arXiv:2010.11036

[23] Hiroyasu Tajima, Naoto Shiraishi, and Keiji Saito, 

"Coherence cost for violating conservation laws"

Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043374 (2020) / arXiv:1906.04076 

[22] Naoto Shiraishi

"Two constructive proofs on d-majorization and thermo-majorization".

J. Phys. A Math. Theor. 53 425301 (2020) /  arXiv:2004.14751 

[21] Naoto Shiraishi,

"Proof of the absence of local conserved quantities in the XYZ chain with a magnetic field".

Europhys. Lett. 128 17002 (2019) / arXiv:1803.02637


[20] Naoto Shiraishi and Jun Takahashi

"Constructing Concrete Hard Instances of the Maximum Independent Set Problem".

J. Stat. Mech. 113401 (2019) / arXiv:1807.03739

[19] Naoto Shiraishi and Keiji Saito

"Information-Theoretical Bound of the Irreversibility in Thermal Relaxation Processes".

Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 110603 (2019) /  arXiv:1902.04857

[18] Naoto Shiraishi

"Connection between quantum-many-body scars and the AKLT model from the viewpoint of embedded Hamiltonians".

J. Stat. Mech. 083103 (2019) / arXiv:1904.05182 

[17] Ken Funo, Naoto Shiraishi, and Keiji Saito

"Speed limit for open quantum systems"

New J. Phys. 21, 013006 (2019) / arXiv:1810.03011

[16] Naoto Shiraishi and Keiji Saito,

"Fundamental relation between entropy production and heat current".

J. Stat. Phys. 174, 433 (2019) (online publication: 2018) / arXiv:1806.09389 

[15] Hiroyasu Tajima, Naoto Shiraishi, and Keiji Saito, 

"Uncertainty relations in implementation of unitary control",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 110403 (2018) / arXiv:1709.06920

[14] Naoto Shiraishi, Ken Funo, and Keiji Saito

"Speed Limit for Classical Stochastic Processes",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 070601 (2018) / arXiv:1802.06554

[13] Naoto Shiraishi and Takashi Mori

"Shiraishi and Mori Reply",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 038902 (2018) / arXiv:1712.01999

[12] Naoto Shiraishi

"Analytic model of thermalization: Quantum emulation of classical cellular automata",

Phys. Rev. E 97, 062144 (2018) / arXiv:1709.06315

[11] Takashi Mori and Naoto Shiraishi

"Thermalization without eigenstate thermalization hypothesis after a quantum quench",

Phys. Rev. E 96, 022153 (2017) / arXiv:1707.05921 

[10] Naoto Shiraishi and Hiroyasu Tajima, 

"Efficiency versus Speed in Quantum Heat Engines: Rigorous Constraint from Lieb-Robinson Bound",

Phys. Rev. E 96, 022138 (2017) / arXiv:1701.01914 

[9]  Naoto Shiraishi and Takashi Mori, 

"Systematic Construction of Counterexamples to Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 030601 (2017) / arXiv:1702.08227 

[8] Naoto Shiraishi

"Stationary engines in and beyond the linear response regime at the Carnot efficiency",

Phys. Rev. E 95, 052128 (2017) / arXiv:1703.03621

[7]  Shunpei Yamamoto, Sosuke Ito, Naoto Shiraishi, and Takahiro Sagawa, 

“Linear irreversible thermodynamics and Onsager reciprocity for information-driven engines”, 

Phys. Rev. E 94, 052121 (2016).

[6] Naoto Shiraishi, Keiji Saito, and Hal Tasaki, 

“Universal Trade-Off Relation between Power and Efficiency for Heat Engines”, 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 190601 (2016).

[5] Naoto Shiraishi, Takumi Matsumoto, and Takahiro Sagawa, 

“Measurement-feedback formalism meets information reservoirs”, 

New J. Phys. 18, 013044 (2016).

[4] Naoto Shiraishi

“Attainability of Carnot efficiency with autonomous engines”, 

Phys. Rev. E 92, 050101(R) (2015).

[3] Naoto Shiraishi, Sosuke Ito, Kyogo Kawaguchi, and Takahiro Sagawa, 

“Role of measurement-feedback separation in autonomous Maxwell's demons”, 

New. J. Phys. 17, 045012 (2015).

[2] Naoto Shiraishi and Takahiro Sagawa, 

“Fluctuation theorem for partially masked nonequilibrium dynamics”, 

Phys. Rev. E 91, 012130 (2015).

[1] Naoto Shiraishi

“Anomalous System Size Dependence of Large Deviation Functions for Local Empirical Measure”,  

J. Stat. Phys. 152, 336-352 (2013).


[P1] Naoto Shiraishi

“Anomalous Dependence on System size of Large Deviation Functions for Empirical measure”,

Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 19, 85-92 (2013)





[J4] 白石直人


前田亮介編『戦後日本の学知と想像力──<政治学を読み破った>先に』吉田書店(2022) Amazon吉田書店

[J3] 白石直人



[J2] 白石直人

ゆらぐ系の熱力学から熱機関の法則へ:パワーと効率の普遍的関係 (第63回物性若手夏の学校 集中ゼミ)」(依頼論文)

物性研究 電子版 Vol. 7 No. 2, 072213(2018年11月号)

[J1] 白石直人、齊藤圭司、田崎晴明


日本物理学会誌 第72巻第12号 p862 (2017)



[G1] 白石直人


