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Improving Rfactors AI : Overall Handling

Vince Klortho

posted feb 2010

I have seen a lot of people post things saying that RF's AI is really bad and I have not found that to be true. As far as I am concerned it is as good as any of the Simbin games and that may not be saying much but those are its primary competitors so it is of significance. Going forward, I would love to see the AI observe blue flag rules but that is probably just a fantasy but I think it would really enhance the realism of multi-class racing.

Anyway, the key thing to making RF's AI behave appropriately is getting the parameters set to reasonable values. I have run across a few settings that can really improve the behavior of the AI. I am not sure where I saw these first but I think they came from a post about an MMG F1 mod at RSC. These settings go into your PLR file in the UserData/"your name" directory so make sure that you back it up before you change it so that you can un-do the changes that you make in case you don't like them.

So, here are the parameter values that I use and find to be fun to race with :


AI Power Calibration="7" // Adjustments with AI strength (0=none, or add the following: 1=power, 2=gearing, 4=fuel)

AI Fuel Mult="0.99000" // Additional fuel multiplier for AIs because of their driving style

AI Tire Model="0.40000" // 0.0 = use AI peak slip, 1.0 = use player's dynamic slip, or a blend between the two (can be overrode in TBC with AITireModel)

AI Brake_Power Usage="0.98000" // Fraction of theoretical brake power that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)

AI Brake_Grip Usage="0.97250" // Fraction of theoretical brake grip that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)

AI Corner_Grip Usage="0.97000" // Fraction of theoretical cornering grip that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)

AI Max Load="40000.00000" // Maximum total load to set up theoretical performance tables (can be overrode in HDV)

AI Min Radius="20.00000" // Minimum radius turn to set up theoretical performance tables (can be overrode in HDV)

AI Limiter="0.10000" // Range: 0.0 (no limiting) - 1.0 (limiting used to make racing closer but also make more driver differences on flat-out tracks)

AI Mistakes="0.25000" // a range of (intentional) AI mistakes from 0.0 (none) to 1.0 (sometimes). Anything above 1.0 multiplies the frequency

AI Realism="0.40000"

Please note that you can't just drop these values into your file. You need to find the various lines and replace those settings with the ones posted here. I also have the agression set at 40% and that seems to be a good value.

So, for what it's worth, these are the settings that I race with against the AI and I think they result in very competitive racing. Of course, your mileage may vary and likely will but there is little harm in trying these values as long as you back up your current .PLR file first.




Sadly, most of ISI`s documentations about the AI are lost due to the RSC-breakdown. Luckily i had saved some of the explanations at my hard-drive. Maybe someone who is interessted in AI-Modding will have a use for those informations, about how the learning files work:


Ok here's the current situation with RCD files:

Aggression 0 - 100 (%)

As this number increases the AI will give other cars less room, both while passing and while following. It also increases the frequency at which they try to pass and the increases the threshold they are willing to endure before giving up a pass (or crashing, as the case may be...)

The aggression slider in the UI also affects this directly. RCD Aggression * UI Aggression = final....and should always be between 0-100%.




All but worthless or no longer used.


The lower the number, the higher the frequency of "intentional" mistakes. (if AI Mistakes is > 0 in the playerfile) If AI Mistakes in the playerfile is set to 0.0, then the AI drivers never make mistakes. *cough* Well, mistakes that I planned. "intentional" mistakes are things like, taking a turn too wide, or missing a breaking point.

Increasing composure also decreases the time between bad driving zones. (also affected by the playerfile variable AI Limiter, see MinRacingSkill below)

Speed: 0-100

How close to "optimal" this driver drives a track. This number directly interacts with a variable in the AIW file called "AIRange" AIRange tells us how wide the gap, from 0-100% (expressed as 0.0 to 1.0 in the AIW) The default is 0.1 meaning that the full range of Speed RCD values from 0 to 100, are directly mapped to the top 10% of the max speed = 90-100% For example a driver with 100% speed will drive at (0.9 + 0.1 * 100%) = (0.9 + 0.1 * 1.0) = 100% of what he thinks the track can handle, while a driver with speed = 0 will drive at (0.9 + 0.1 * 0%) = (0.9 + 0.1 * 0) = 90% what he thinks the track can handle. There is a random fluctuation in this value, but it's much less than in previous version where the random fluctuation was so great that it made the original value meaningless.

Crash: 0 - 100 %

CompletedLaps: 0 - 100%

Only used in auto completing laps (skipping practice/qualifying)

MinRacingSkill=0 - 100%

When the AI Limiter variable(from the playerfile) value is > 0.0, the AI drivers go through cycles of optimal driving and sub-optimal driving where their driving skill falls to MinRacingSkill * Speed. (Set the AI Limiter variable to 0.0, and the AIs will always drive to the best of their ability...every lap) So for example if you have a driver with Speed = 50, a AIRange in the AIWfile = 0.2), and MinRacingSkill = 90 This AI guy will usually drive around at (0.8 + 0.2 * 0.5) = 90% speed (really very very slow....but this is just an example), but will sometimes dip as low as (this speed * MinRacingSkill = (0.9* 0.9) = 81% while having a bad lap.....that is extremely low, but this is just an example with easy numbers.

Actually, this is just a part of many informations, that are needed to get a proper start with this kind of modding. But i think these basic-informations explain it very well, why it is so difficult to mod a good working AI, and why we have almost no GMotor mods/games with good working AI.


Other various usefull info:


Originally Posted by prime05 I turned the brake_power and brake_usage down to 0.8000 each and this seems to have stopped this. It makes a really big difference actually.

Thanks also Prime, in combo with Vince's suggestions I was able to have a normal race with the AI. I ran 15laps in Enduracers (GT1 & GT2) @ Albert Park and didn't get hit from behind or the side once. The only thing I noticed was if an AI was in your draft on a straight and made a pass, it would sometimes back out of it even if you gave alot of room before the corner. Still alot more fun than constant taps from behind!

I used for reference:

Damage - 100%

AI Difficulty - 106%

AI Aggression - 35% (will try a higher number next time)


AI Brake_Power Usage="0.98000"

I recommend to everyone in here to turn his value down to "0.95500"

The AI should then stop to run into the back of your car, when you brake in front of them.

They wont get much slower, so dont worry.


Originally Posted by weedtokaz i found this a few years back on RSC find it in the hdv file it helped me out a bit

AIPerfUsage=(0.90, 0.90, 0.88) edit these values to make the AI brake later

into corners and corner faster.

disclaimer needed. OFFLINE use only. going online with a mod that has had the hdv edited WILL cause a mismatch, kick & accusation of cheating. Be careful with editing physics file for these reasons. Otherwise, good suggestion.

Found this here: http://www.racedepartment.com/rfacto...djustment.html

For anyone having issues with the inconsistencies in rFactor's AI speed, the AI programmer from ISI posted a good idea on another site:

He suggests changing the AI Limiter value in your user PLR file to '0.00000'.

This should keep the AI from slowing down during the race, compared to the AI's Practice and Quali pace.

(The relevent PLR file can be found in 'rFactor\UserData\%username%\%username%.plr)

Anyway if you race alot offline(my case) I recommend you autocalibrate you AI it takes 10min for a mod and for a track and then you can have the fun of your live ...at least I know I am http://www.simracingworld.com/content/326/
