
# http://movie-sounds.org/


open the pod bay door=cantdothat

open the pod bay door hal

open the pod bay doors

open the pod bay doors hal

#Big Hero 6

fist bump, fist pump=baymax


i didn't know you were still active=baymax2

i just stubbed my toe a little i'm fine,i'm fine,i just stubbed my toe,i just stubbed my toe a little=baymax3

a zero i'm ok really thanks you can shrink now,zero i'm ok really thanks you can shrink now,a 0 i'm ok really thanks you can shrink now,0 i'm ok really thanks you can shrink now,you can shrink now=baymax4

that's ok no touching,no touching=baymax5

you think=baymax6


i'm not crying=baymax8

don't scan me,don't scare me,don't scam me=baymax9


#demolition man

maniac is eminent=withafirm

maniac is eminent request advice

maniac is imminent, request advice

maniac is imminent request advice

maniac has responded with a scornful remark=orelse



#Galaxy Quest

what about the engines why don't we have power=spherefractured

what about the engines, why don't we have power

can it be repaired=damagetosphere

is there a replacement sphere on board=nosphere

#Hitch hikers guide

oh deep thought we want you to tell us the answer=theanswer

we want you to tell us the answer,we want you to tell if the answer

the answer to life the universe everything=needtothink

the answer to life universe everything

deep thought do you have an answer,do you have an answer=yesbut

it doesn't matter we must know,we must know,it does not matter,it does not matter we must know, we must no=mustknow

42, forty two=its42

but it was the question the ultimate question of everything,but it was the question=notaquestion

give us the ultimate question then,give us the ultimate question than,give us the ultimate question=earthcpu

#Invader Zim

what does the g stand for=idontknow

what did you learn=squirrel

#Judge Dredd

lethal round, lethal rounds=dredd1

little round, legal grounds

rapid fire,full auto rapid fire,full auto=dredd2

flare, signal flare, signal flair, flair=dredd3

armor piercing=armorpiercing


double whammy=doublewhammy


central help me=imsorrychief

happy birthday=status

body guard,bodyguard=commander



activate alarm=vrnotrec

central are you online=dreddb1

i wish you to access weapon schematic,i wish you to access weapons schematic,i wish you to access weapons schematic describe the working of the standard judges side arm,describe the working of the standard judges side arm,i wish you to access weapon schematic describe the working of the standard judges side arm,describe the working of the standard judges sidearm=dreddb2

central were the bullets recovered from the bodies so dna coded,central where the bullets recovered from the bodies so dna coded=dreddb3

and what was the result of the computer check of the dna coding on those bullets,what was the result of the computer check of the dna coding on those bullets=dreddb4


hello sally it's a busy morning huh, hello sally it's a busy morning huh, hello sally, it's a busy morning, it's a busy morning huh=secondpassenger

the female survivor from the crashed module=stateintention

deliver the survivor as requested we are a more effective team,deliver the survivor as requested,we are a more effective team,deliver the survivor is requested=proceedtoentry

i'm just excited to finally meet you sally, i'm just excited to finally meet you=beenapattern

yeah i feel bad about that, i feel bad about that=youarelying

i want julie to live, i want our species to survive, this is the only way, i want julie to live i want our species to survive this is the only way, i want our species to survive this is the only way=atmosphereprovided

how can a man die better=donthavetodie

everybody dies sally the thing is to die well, the thing is to die well=notthesurvivor

no it's not, no its not, what horatius said was how can a man die better than facing fearful odds for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods,the temples of his gods,for the ashes of his fathers,the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods=iamyourgod

#Resident Evil

implore away=goingtodie


what are your prime directives=primedirectives

are you alex murphy,are you human=no

you are simply a machine=iamamachine

nothing more=nothingmore

it doesn't matter what they did to you, it doesn't matter what they've done to you,what did they do to you=touchme

it's cold,it is cold=theymadethis


#Short Circuit


forget it,forget it you can't swim,you can't swim=pissedoff

let's get that crack head, let's get that crap head=badhumans

let's get that crab head,let's get that crackhead

holy shit,holy s***=

#Sixth Day

get out=getout

#Teen Titans Go

all you know is pain,i spent a lot of time making it=painbot

#The Time Machine

i didn't see you there,i did not see you there=ttm1

what is that thing=ttm2

what are you=ttm3

a stereopticon of some sort,estereo opticon of some sort,a stereo opticon of some sort,stereo opticon of some sort,some sort of stereo opticon=ttm4


know anything about physics,do know anything about physics=ttm6

mechanical engineering=ttm7

dimensional optics,dimensional optics chronography, chronography=ttm8

temporal causality temporal paradox,temporal causality, temporal paradox=ttm9

no no practical applications my question is why can't one change the past,why can't one change the past,my question is why can't one change the past=ttm10

what if one could=ttm11

excuse me this this is something you should trust me on,this is something you should trust me on=ttm12

tell me about him=ttm13

tell me about the time machine=ttm14

that's quite enough=ttm15

i think i'll have better luck in a few hundred years=ttm16

here it is=ttm20

it's all right,it's alright=ttm21

photonic right=ttm22

can you tell me what's happening here,what's happening here=ttm23

and how do those below survive, how do those below survive=ttm24

i don't believe it=ttm25

why would you say something like that=ttm26

how do you know about the morlocks if you can't leave this place=ttm27

then you can help us find the morlocks,you can help us find the morlocks,can you help us find the morlocks,then can you help us find the morlocks=ttm28

well i think i'm used to that, i think i'm used to that=ttm29

can you describe it=ttm30

#Total Recall

what am i doing here=totrec1

how did i get in this taxi=totrec2

how long do you plan to stay on mars,have you brought any fruits or vegetables on to the planet=twoweeks

excuse me=twoweeks2


who are you=iamaware

we mean you no harm=noharm

what species=youarevirus

#To do:

#KITT (Knight Rider)

#Cortana and 343 Guilty Spark (Halo)

#Terminator (Terminator)

#VIKI, Sunny (I, Robot)

#Vicki (Small Wonder)

#Jarvis (Iron Man)

#GERTY 3000 (Moon)

#Brainiac (Superman)

#Computer (Invader Zim)