
Welcome to the SCIFI UI, where I intend to clone many UIs from different SCIFI franchises.

Originally, I made the LCARS UI which cloned the LCARS style from Star Trek, till CBS took notice and took it down.

So I took the robust and flexible engine I had constructed over the years, and used it to create a this app.

The mode select screen is divided into 3 parts.

TYPE - Shows all the sections sorted by their type

The types are FUNCTIONAL (it provides some sort of purpose), DECORATIVE (does nothing, just there to look pretty), GAME, SENSORS (uses your devices sensors to display data) and SYSTEM

SHOW - Shows all the sections sorted by which franchise they're from (SYSTEM screens will not have a show)

OPTIONS - All the settings to change how the app looks/sounds/behaves/etc.

When you click TYPE/SHOW, it'll show the categories/franchises. Clicking one of those will list the sections from that category.

Long-clicking a section will show options for that screen.

Most sections have a HELP option, which opens the web browser to a page for that section

Some let you use them as your LiveWallpaper/DayDream/Lockscreen