
You may have noticed I'm slowing down updates. Well the app isn't selling, like, at all. With the LCARS UI I could afford to spend what little spare time I had cause it literally paid my rent. The SCIFI UI is sadly a financial failure. I will of course keep updating it, just not as frequently as I could the LCARS UI. Unless a miracle happens and it starts selling. I only sold 97 copies after almost a year ;_; where the LCARS UI sold more than that every month

July 15: (too many days...)

A new section was added: Captain's Station (Currently named: The Orville, as I forgot to rename it before uploading) - The Orville (Decorative)

April 16: (16 days)

Reduced notification updates

Back button works again inside the Veidt OS

A new section was added: Molecular Design - Star Trek IV: Voyage Home (Decorative)

March 31: (21 days)

Fixed some bugs

Omni Paint:

-Bypassed Android's forced-close when you press the back button and a message box pops up asking if you want to save first

-Added a Redo button to the history window to make it more convenient than pressing Edit > Redo

-Transform menu completed

-Bug fixes

March 10: (13 days)

Fixed 2 crashes

-Entering Veidt OS and pressing back while the Veidt OS is on screen crashes because it checks what window is open (so if it's Omni Paint, it can ask if you want to save your work) but since no windows have been opened yet, the list isn't initialized

-Pressing V.REC and not saying anything because I put the code to toast "'WHAT YOU SAID' was not recognized" without checking if 'WHAT YOU SAID' is valid data. Even though I did check it on the block of code above that... Bah

February 20: (20 days)

Omni Paint:

-A lot of bug fixes

-Some keyboard shortcuts added

-Used Area boundary tracking added

-Layer Merging added