Face Calibration

This section lets you calibrate Android's facial detection system.

How to calibrate:

    1. The : button on Android's menu bar will switch between the front and rear cameras (this works the same for every screen that uses the camera)

    2. Move your face into each of the 4 corners of the screen. The closer to the edges of the screen, the better this will work

    3. Rotate your device to the other orientations, and repeat step 2

Why does it need calibrating?

    • The coordinate system is not the same as that of the camera

    • Google's documentation claims the coordinate system is -1000 to 1000, scaled along the camera

    • Google's claim does not actually match up with the real coordinate system

    • The coordinate system changes on different devices (Xperia Ray for example, is 0 to 1000 instead)

    • The coordinate system changes for each orientation of the device, so I can't use simple math to convert one orientation to another

To delete the calibration data and start over, long-click the Face Calibration section and click "Delete Data"

The calibration data is stored in the "Android" folder on the root of your SD card/external storage, so that other apps may share the data (so you won't need to repeat the calibration process for other apps, if they use my data)

Calibrating will make the face tracking in other screens more accurate. But they will naturally calibrate themselves over time. The data is saved automatically anytime the camera is shut down and the data has been changed.