File Explorer

The File Explorer has 4 menus. File, Edit, Sort, Bookmarks


Go Up - Navigate to the root of your SD card/external storage

Make Directory - Create a new folder

Open [INT] - Opens the selected file inside this screen

Open [EXT] - Tells Android to open the selected file

Share - Tells Android to share the selected file

Properties - Views the properties of the selected file


Cut - Puts all the selected files in the clipboard to be moved

Copy - Puts all the selected files in the clipboard to be copied

Paste - Pastes any cut/copied files into the current directory

Delete - Deletes all selected files

Rename - Rename the selected file

Multi-Select - Toggles multi-select mode. While in multi-select mode, you will have to click selected item to de-select it

Select All - Selects all files

Select None - Selects no files

Invert Selection - Toggles whether or not each file is selected


Ascending/Descending - Changes the sort direction

Filename/Extension/Size/Date - Changes which file attribute to sort by (directories will always be at the top)

(The current settings will have a "<" pointing to it)

Search - Search the current directory for files. Uses DOS-type wildcards and an equation evaluator

* = multiple characters (ie: "test*.txt" will search for all filenames beginning with "test" and ending with ".txt")

? = single character (ie: "text?.txt" will search for all filenames the same length as "text?.txt, beginning with "test" and ending with ".txt")

To use the equation evaluator, the equation must go inside [these brackets]

The variables it will accept are:

now - the current date including the time

today - the current date at midnight (zero-hours, zero-minutes)

yesterday - yesterday's date at midnight

tomorrow - tomorrow's date at midnight

seconds - how many ticks in a second

minutes - how many ticks in a minute

hours - how many ticks in an hour

days - how many ticks in a day

dir - (string) the directory the file is in

name - (string) the text after the last / (the name of "site/myscifiui/home/help/17.html" is "17.html")

ext - (string) the text after the last period, in lower-case (the extension of "test.TXT" is "txt")

title - (string) the name without the extension (the title of "test.TXT" is "test")

size - (number) the size of the file

ftime - (string) the last date the file was modified

fdate - (string) just the date part of ftime

Example equations:

[size < 4096] - will return all files smaller than 4 kilobytes

[ext = 'txt'] - will return all files with the "txt" extension (although "*.txt" would do the same thing)

[fdate < yesterday] - will return all files last modified before yesterday

[ftime < now - 3*minutes] - will return all files last modified before 3 minutes ago

[fdate < gdate("01/12/2015")] - will return all files last modified before January 12, 2015


Add: [Current Directory] - Adds the current directory to the bookmark list

Remove: [Current Directory] - Removes the current directory from the bookmark list

[List of Directories] - Opens that directory