Strategic Apprehension Computer

Source: Demolition Man (1993) Movie

Seen at 25 and a half minutes into the movie, where the San Angeles police encounter Simon Phoenix for the first time.

The SAC itself is also seen later on when they're approaching the museum, but John Spartan throws it away.

This section lets you make rag-doll animations similar to that scene and works best in landscape orientation

Playing mode

Clicking the menu bar at the top will switch to Editing Mode

Clicking below it will pause/resume the animation

The circle at the top-right corner will blink while playing

When the animation is finished, it will switch to Editing Mode automatically

Editing mode

There is a menu bar at the top of the screen with the following options/sub-options

    • FILE

      • NEW: Erase everything and start over with the 2 default bodies (red perp, and blue cop)

      • SAVE: Save everything as the current file (it will act as "SAVE AS" if no file is open)

      • SAVE AS: Save everything as a new file

      • LOAD: Load an animation file you have made

      • MANIAC IMMINENT: Play the specific animation from the movie, complete with sound effects (the first time this plays, the sound will be delayed as it has to be downloaded)

    • BODY

      • ADD BODY: Create a new body/rag doll (you can have a maximum of 8)

      • LOCK/UNLOCK POSITIONS: While locked, bodies won't move around. Useful if you don't want their positions to change accidentally

      • BODY #

        • DELETE: Delete this body

        • CHANGE HAT: Change this body's hat (None, Police Officer's, Baseball Cap, Backwards Baseball Cap, Top Hat, Pirate Hate, Roman Centurion Helmet)

        • CHANGE COLOR: Change this body's color (Red, Green or Blue)

    • TIME

      • ADD TIME INDEX: Add a new frame (the position data will be interpolated from the adjacent frames)

      • DELETE TIME INDEX: Delete the current frame

      • MOVE TIME INDEX: Move the current frame to another time index

      • COPY FRAME: Copy the current frame to another time index (ignores audio files and menu items)

      • ADD AUDIO FILE: When the current frame is played, it will play this audio file

      • ADD MENU ITEM: When the current frame is played, it will add this text to the menu (separate with commas to add multiple lines)

      • [Timeline]: If you have more than 1 frame, a timeline will appear at the bottom of the screen once you open this menu

    • PLAY

      • VERY SLOW/SLOW/NORMAL/FAST/VERY FAST: Play the current animation from the start, using the speed you select

      • NORMAL speed is 10 time units per frame, the program is set to run at 30 frames per second which means 300 time units per second

Sound effects require an internet connection the first time they are downloaded

While in edit mode, the circle in the top-right corner will always be visible. It will be red if body positions are locked, green if they're unlocked

Animation files are stored inside the app's directory (Android/data/com.omnicorp.scifiui/files) with the .rag extension

I recommend using a mouse or stylus with this screen as everything is really tiny/close together

By clicking anywhere below the menu bar/away from the menu items, the menu will close and you can interact with the bodies

On mouse down (ie: your finger touches the screen) it will attempt to select the closest body+joint to that position.

Without lifting your finger, drag around the position you touched to change the angle of the joint. If the torso was selected, it will move around instead (unless you have locked the positions)

By creating multiple frames, the system will interpolate the body positions/angles to create smooth animation between the frame

So to create animations:

    • Click "TIME", "ADD TIME INDEX", enter a new time index using time units (10 per frame, 300 per second) it will default to the duration of animation + 300 time units

    • Click the new time index from the timeline

    • Move the bodies around, or add a sound/menu item

    • Click "PLAY", then a speed