20% - O*NET

This page is 20% done. I'll remove the "nn%" from the title when this web page is 100% done.

(Move "Contents")

General information about the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)

  1. There are 974 occupations defined in the O*NET Data Base (DB). (Source) They represent most of the 154 million jobs (PDF) in the US.
  2. Click here to see how O*NET can help you in your career exploration activities.
  3. Each occupation has a large amount of detailed information about that occupation.
    1. Click this example - 15-1121.00 - Computer Systems Analysts
    2. Then click each of these occupation-descriptor links for this occupation - Tasks | Tools & Technology | Knowledge | Skills | Abilities | Work Activities | Work Context | Job Zone | Education | Interests | Work Styles | Work Values | Related Occupations | Wages & Employment | Additional Information
  4. Find one occupation-descriptor detail (like a specific task, tool, technology, knowledge, etc.) that appeals to you. Type it into the "Occupation Quick Search" box in the upper right corner and review some of the occupations that contain that item.
    1. For example, if I did a search for "Work Activities — Selling or Influencing Others", click here to see the result.

Ignore the rest of this web page at this time.

Search for occupations

In this section, you will go to an O*NET web page and type in some of your keywords to search for occupations that contain those keywords in the detailed description of each occupation.

We highly recommend that you complete Phase 1: (Re)searching your LifeWork (career exploration) tasks first.

Click here to go to the O*NET web page. Type one or more keywords (interests, skills, tools, technologies, etc.) into the "Occupation Quick Search" box in the upper right corner, then explore the occupations that contain those keywords. We highly recommend that you use the information you gather in your explorations to complete the tasks in B: My LifeWork details.

Task xa:

  1. You will use parts or all of your E2: My top 5 interests, C: My top 5 stories and, if you choose, your Skills to search the O*NET DB to view occupations that appeal to you, then COPY/PASTE specific details that appeal to you the MOST to help you narrow those 974 occupations to your top five (5) so you can either search for your LifeWork job in one of those occupations or you can use the details about those occupations to define your LifeWork.
  2. Using O*NET to explore and select your top five (5) occupations
  3. My O*NET Skills inventory
  4. Results of search for "ONET" on LWPS.